The Golden Immy goes to ... Alexandra Wagner, MSc!

[Translate to English:] Gewinnerin Alexandra Wagner


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[Translate to English:] Die Gewinner_innen des Immy Award


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The Immy Award is a long-standing quality initiative of the Fachgruppe der Immobilien- und Vermögenstreuhänder Wien, which has honoured the best estate agent companies, and later also property management companies and property developers, every year since 2006. Its aim is to measure services, recognise outstanding results and thus promote high performance standards in the industry. This makes it the most prestigious award for Viennese estate agents in the residential property sector.

We are all the more delighted that this year Alexandra Wagner, MSc, graduate of our MSc Real Estate Management & Valuation and now Managing Director of ANOBIS IMMOBILIEN GMBH, was awarded the Golden Immy on February 19, 2025 in Vienna's Sofiensäle. A strong sign of how sound training and commitment lead to success.

Congratulations to all the winners!

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MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation

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