This was "Enhanced Sustainability in Pharma and Biotech"

On 13 January, more than 130 participants from industry, academia, regulatory authorities and public organizations gathered to discuss “Enhanced Sustainability in Pharma and Biotech”.

People standing around tables at the historic TUW-Kuppelsaal

© acib/Tanja Schärfl

Lively discussions at the TUW Kuppelsaal

On January 13th, over 130 participants from industry, academia, regulatory authorities, and public organizations gathered at the prestigious Kuppelsaal of TU Wien for the mini-symposium “Enhanced Sustainability in Pharma and Biotech,” organized by acib and TU Wien. The event provided a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, showcasing best practices from pharmaceutical companies, diverse research portfolios from leading scientific institutions (long-term collaboration partners of acib), and fostering vibrant discussions on sustainable approaches in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors. The inclusion of numerous stakeholders ensured a holistic view of this critical topic.


Interactive Format and Case Studies

The event’s highly interactive format encouraged active engagement, with participants contributing to discussions throughout the day. Case studies presented by pharmaceutical companies demonstrated the effective implementation of sustainable innovations. Additionally, representatives from several Austrian partner universities of acib introduced a broad spectrum of research initiatives advancing sustainability within the sector.

Panel Discussion

A particular highlight of the day was the panel discussion featuring esteemed speakers:

  • Manfred Schuster (AGES)
  • Stephan Bertel (Sandoz)
  • Peter Satzer (acib, BOKU)
  • Michaela Eder (Pfizer)
  • Anton Beck (AIT)
  • Alessandro Cataldo (Takeda)

The panel addressed pressing questions about sustainability challenges and opportunities in pharmaceutical production, regulation, and innovation. The diverse perspectives of the panelists enriched the discussion, providing valuable insights into potential future pathways toward a more sustainable industry and stimulating active audience participation.

Table Discussions

Thematic tables, moderated by dedicated acib teams, provided an opportunity for participants to continue discussions on selected topics in a more relaxed atmosphere, accompanied by food and drinks. These tables served as an ideal setting to explore specific topics in greater depth, foster connections among participants from various sectors, and form the foundation for future cooperative projects.

Closing and Informal Networking

After an hour of lively moderated discussions, the mini-symposium concluded with informal networking. The buffet offered attendees a chance to continue their conversations, exchange ideas, and reflect on the day’s insights in a casual setting.

Participant Feedback

Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing appreciation for the event’s engaging format, the quality of discussions, and the networking opportunities. A common sentiment was, “We would love to attend again!”
Encouraged by this feedback and the evident demand for more forums to discuss sustainability in pharma and biotech, acib looks forward to organizing similar events in the future.

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