CodeRunner for programming exercises inTUWEL

A brief introduction

[Translate to English:] 3 Menschen bei Laptop


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[Translate to English:] Beispiel Frage in CodeRunner

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TUWEL's digital course offering has been expanded with the new question type CodeRunner and will start a test run in the summer semester 2025.

What is CodeRunner?

CodeRunner can be used to execute programme code that students enter in response to programming tasks. CodeRunner covers different programming languages (currently C, C++, Java, Octave, Python) and is suitable for teaching programming skills in various subjects and fields of study.

How can students use CodeRunner?

CodeRunner is integrated directly into TUWEL as a question type. It can be used both in exercises and in digital exams (online or in exam rooms). CodeRunner questions can be used in the TUWEL test and also in other course elements (e.g. embedded in scripts).

Where can students find instructions and examples for CodeRunner?

There is a CodeRunner demo course, opens an external URL in a new window available as a support offer, in which users can find examples, instructions and helpful resources (one-time course registration required).

Interested in further offers in TUWEL?

Since the summer semester 2025, the new TUWEL Topic Talk offers a monthly source of inspiration for selected topics related to TUWEL. Always online in Zoom – for a maximum of one hour. Registration is now possible via the TISS continuing education catalog, opens an external URL in a new window.