Final presentation in Retz

The final presentation of P2 Retz took place on 29 January 2025 in the Schüttkasten cultural centre.

Photography of a small group of students presenting in front of an audience.

© Amila Smajlović

As part of the Spatial Development Planning course, students carried out a detailed analysis of the municipality of Retz and developed various future scenarios and concepts for the municipality. These were presented to interested citizens, town and municipal councillors and local stakeholders on Wednesday evening. The main topics included mobility, climate change, agriculture, forestry and viticulture, public space, securing housing, dealing with existing structures and vacancies. Afterwards, the collected impressions were exchanged during the discussion and the results were exhibited.

The concepts presented met with a great deal of interest - we would like to express our thanks for this and hope that we were able to inspire the community with valuable perspectives and ideas.

The PR Spatial Development Planning, opens an external URL in a new window was supervised by Andreas Voigt, Werner Tschirk, Helena Linzer and Amila Smajlović (FOB Local Planning), Bardo Hörl (FOB Transport System Planning) Johann Bröthaler and Antonia Schneider (FOB Finance and Infrastructure Policy).

The results of the inventory analysis and the detailed concept descriptions are available in the P2 archive, opens an external URL in a new window.

A group of people are spread out in a domed hall.

© Werner Tschirk

A small group of people stand in front of an audience on a stage and present.

© Werner Tschirk

Group photo of the course with the teachers.

© Werner Tschirk

Photograph of a man in a suit giving a lecture.

© Amila Smajlović