Technical Physics

The degree can be submitted at any time.

  • Free electives that were not absolved at TU Wien are accepted with a factor of 1.5 per semester hour.
  • Before starting your Bachelor's thesis, please check whether this LVA is listed in the Bachelor's programme's catalogue of projects.

Since the Bachelor's Programme is completed without a board examination, the degree certificate, transcript, etc. are usually ready for collection within 2 - 3 weeks.

No confirmation or similar is required for enrolment in the Master's Programme in the Department of Studies. As soon as your degree has been confirmed by the Dean's Office, you can enrol for your further Master's Programme at the Department of Studies.

1) Please make the LVA assignment in TISS (, opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new window)

2) Please send the following documents to

  • current study sheet (Admission confirmation)
  • Passport or proof of citizenship
  • Certifications (if available, e.g. recognition)
  • Course certificates that could not be clearly assigned (e.g. from other universities)
  • Ustat (even if it is a blank)
  • Collective certificat
  • Completed form