Editor's Choice Awards 2023

Each year, the editorial team carefully reviews the papers published in the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (JPED) during the year and selects several outstanding papers for the Editor's Choice Award. Several factors are considered in the selection process, including quality of research, text and illustrations, as well as originality and relevance to the field. As in previous years, it was difficult to select a short list of contributions from the wealth of outstanding work. This year, the prize is awarded to six traditional contributions and three open access contributions.

The following paper by Aurelie Jacob was selected for the Editor's Choice Awards:

Thermodynamic Prediction of the Impact of Carbon on Bainite Formation, Including the BCT Transformation
Aurélie Jacob, Bernd Schuscha, Philipp Retzl, Yao V. Shan, and Ernst Kozeschnik
J. Phase Equilib. Diffus. 44(6), 729–737 (2023)
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s11669-023-01067-7, opens an external URL in a new window


Photo of Aurelie Jacob with the certificate for Editor's Choice Awards 2023

Photo of Aurelie Jacob with the certificate for Editor's Choice Award 2023