HFM 2023 award winners and laudators

© OFI/Michael Pyerin

HFM 2023 award winners and laudators

The award of the H.F. Mark Medaille has been one of the OFI's event fixtures since 1975. This award honors the achievements of personalities in the field of polymer science and the plastics industry. It is named after the Austrian-American chemist Hermann Franz Mark, who is considered a key founder of modern polymer science.

This year, at the suggestion of the H.F. Mark Medals Commission a.o. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Vasiliki-Maria Archodoulaki (TU Vienna / Institute of Materials Science and Technology, 3rd from right) and DI Dr. Jürgen Miethlinger, MBA (Lenzing Plastics GmbH & Co KG) with the H.F. Mark Medal honored. As part of the award ceremony, the two award winners gave insight into their work and research in a panel discussion.

Panel discussion with Prof. Archodoulaki

© OFI/Michael Pyerin

Panel discussion with Prof. Archodoulaki