SAP Academic Community Conference 2024 | The world is always changing, but this usually happens under certain conditions. These are also currently changing. The economy must quickly adapt its business models and processes to increase customer loyalty, but also to stop climate change and its harmful consequences for the common good. At the same time, many new technologies are available to a mass of users for the first time, and we cannot yet accurately predict their impact on business and professional life.

In order to bring more clarity to these areas, the SAP Academic Community Conference 2024 (D-A-CH) will focus on INNOVATION TO FOSTER SUSTAINABILITY from September 3-4, 2024. This motto will be explored in depth in the following five topic areas in community sessions:

  • New and innovative teaching methods to impart the necessary skills
  • Working with advanced technologies
  • Big data and analytics with SAP - obtaining reliable information by analysing data
  • Environment Social Governance (ESG), circular economy and sustainability
  • International cooperation with various partners within the SAP ecosystem

We are convinced that innovation is the driver for sustainability and its successful implementation. We therefore encourage all interested parties to contribute to this further development and enrich the proceedings of the conference with their contributions.

It's your turn!

We cordially invite you to submit your contributions on the above topics or on the further use of software in research and teaching. Attention - extended deadline: You can submit them via the Conftool, opens an external URL in a new window after creating an account between April 26 and June 10, 2024.
NEW 2024: This year, for the first time, you can also submit your own topic suggestions for the Community Sessions and their speakers by May 17, 2024.

 In the tracks we collect scientific and practice-orientated topics. You can choose between three different formats in German or English: paper (8-10 pages), short paper (3-5 pages) and a presentation with practical content (up to 15 slides).
The format templates for the respective papers can be found below.

The acceptance or rejection of a paper is based on a peer review process. All accepted papers, short papers and abstracts of the practical presentations will be published in an electronic conference proceedings with DOI. Please note the submission deadlines and the specifications contained in the format template. The conference proceedings of ACC 2023 can be found here:, opens an external URL in a new window

Please use the following templates for your papers and short papers:

Paper Template DE, opens a file in a new window

Paper Template EN, opens a file in a new window


Open for submissions


Deadline Submission of community session proposals


Deadline Submission of contributions (paper excl. presentation, short paper excl. presentation, practically orientated presentation)


Attention: Extended Deadline


Feedback to the submitters


Submission of the final paper incl. presentation, short paper incl. presentation and practically orientated presentation

3. - 4.9.2024

SAP Academic Community Conference 2024 (D-A-CH) in Vienna

We are looking forward to receiving numerous contributions and wish you all the best,

your SAP Academic Board D-A-CH and the ACC 2024 organisation,

Prof. Dr. Uta Mathis
Sprecherin des SAP Academic Board DACH

Prof. Dr. Alexander Redlein

Prof. Dr. Nicole Ondrusch
Sprecherin des SAP Academic Board DACH

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kilian
Sprecher des SAP Academic Board DACH

Dr. Holger Wittges
SAP UCC München

Prof. Dr. Klaus Turowski
SAP UCC Magdeburg

Stefan Weidner
SAP UCC Magdeburg