Seminar for Thesis Research

Please register by e-mail directly to your supervisor and a copy to Line Nielsen ( at least two weeks before the respective date. Your mail should contain the following: Your name, presentation title and language of the presentation (German or English) and the type of presentation (concept or final presentation). In addition, please tell us on which date and in which time slot you would like to give the presentation. Concept presentations should not exceed 15 minutes, final presentations 30 minutes. Please also register for LVA 330.114 Seminar for Thesis Research, opens an external URL in a new window.

Dates WS 2023 / SS 2024

Date Time Location Presenter Topic
13.03.2024    11:00-11:30 Online    Ganna Pazhyvilka Concept Presentation: The Impact of Adaptive Leadership in the Effective Development and Implementation of Smart Working Strategies in Contemporary Organizations.
13.03.2024 11:30-12:00 Online Berger Christoph  Concept Presentation: Electromobility in Europe: Challenges and ways to strengthen the competitiveness of the automotive industry
13.03.2024 12:00-12:30 Online Marian Rapp Concept Presentation: Lean in knowledge work: assessment, pattern selection and implementation in strategic change initiatives
13.03.2024 12:30-13:00 Online    
10.04.2024 11:00-11:30 Online Ilya Faynleyb Concept Presentation: Socio-economic and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizations and the Future of Work
10.04.2024 11:30-12:00 Online    
10.04.2024 12:00-12:30 Online    
10.04.2024 12:30-13:00 Online    
08.05.2024 11-12 Online Subhash Satyam Concept Presentation: Fair by Design
08.05.2024 12-13 Online    
15.05.2024 11-12 Online    
15.05.2024 12-13 Online    
22.05.2024 11-12 Online    
22.05.2024 12-13 Online    
12.06.2024 11-12 Online    
12.06.2024 12-13 Online    
19.06.2024 11-12 Online Felix Fasching Concept Presentation: Towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Railway Operations: A Qualitative Case Study on Adopting Human-Centric and Ethically Responsible AI Integration for Resource Planning
19.06.2024 12-13 Online    



Elective Subjects

Elective Subjects for Mechanical Engineering - Management

Course Type
International Negotiations, opens an external URL in a new window VU
Innovation Management and Marketing, opens an external URL in a new window VU