With our mission of "Technology for People", the TU Wien commits itself to research in science and technology that not only delivers a direct value to society but is also dedicated to the well-being of people. Within the Institute of Management Science our research is at the core of this mission statement:  Through a focus on the intersection between technology and people, we are particularly interested in human factors in the (work) organization.

Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our goal is to contribute to a diverse and integrated society with our research projects. The management of diversity is an overarching principle within the five research fields of our department. In Ergonomics, we analyze and design human-machine interfaces with a particular focus on diversity and people with special needs. In the research area of Cooperation & Conflict we analyze consequences of diversity by studying organizational conflicts and designing strategies for how they can be resolved. New Ways of Working is focused on flexible work arrangements and investigates specific needs of different groups of employees. Gendered processes and structures are at the center of the research field Gender & Diversity, with the aim to develop appropriate and effective organizational responses to inequality and discrimination. Finally, the research area Innovation Systems is focused on invention, innovation, diffusion and imitation processes.

Recent Notes on Labor Science and Organization


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