Reha News

Rollup EWM 2019

Biofluidslab at the Engineering with Membranes Conference EWM 2019 in Båstad, Sweden, April 8-10, 2019.

Margit Gföhler and Michael Harasek in front of the stage at BMEiCON

Biofluidslab at the 11th Biomedical Engineering International Conference BMEiCON 2018 Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 21-24, 2018.

Michael Harasek, Margit Gföhler, Paul Ecker, Benjamin Lukitsch and two other Participants of ESAO 2018 in front of an ESAO Rollup

Biofluidslab at the XLV ESAO - Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs in Madrid, September 12-15, 2018.

Michael Harasek and Margit Gföhler in front of an EMBC Poster

Biofluidslab at the 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 17-21, 2018

Michael Harasek and Margit Gföhler in front of the "Welcome" poster of the WBC 2018

Biofluidslab at the World Congress of Biomechanics WCB 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, 8 - 12 July, 2018