Short CV

Since November 2021, Ozan Kugu has been working as a university assistant in the Research Unit of Mechanical Engineering Informatics and Virtual Product Development (MIVP), belonging to the Institute of Engineering Design and Product Development, at the TU Wien. 

In 2017, he got his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TU München). With his bachelor's thesis "Investigation of the Impact of Miller and Atkinson Valve Timings on the Working Cycle of an Internal Combustion Engine" in the Chair of Internal Combustion Engines (LVK), he successfully finished his Bachelor's Programme. 

In 2019, he got his master's degree in mechanical engineering with focus on automation, vehicle and engine technology, also at the TU München. He successfully finished his Master's Programme with his master's thesis "Development of a GUI-Tool for a Train Network Simulation with MATLAB/Simulink SimEvents" in the Department of Automation and Information Systems (AIS). 

After his master's degree (2020-2021) he worked as a project engineer at the company ALEN GmbH - Aluminium Engineering in Munich, Germany in the field of car body design, where he was mainly involved in 3D engineering design of a lightweight car body, steel assemblies and 3D printed components using CATIA V5.  

Before his studies (2008-2013) he attended the Austrian St. George's High School in Istanbul, Turkey, where he learned German and English very well and also discovered his passion for engineering and science. 

Research Interests

Mr. Kugu's current research focuses are the integration of data and models and their interaction with each other within the project Rail4Future for the digitization of holistic large-scale railway infrastructure systems in the rail industry.

Key words:

  • FMI1 and SSP2 Interface Standards
  • DevOps3 Engineering
  • Object-oriented Programming (Python)
  • Virtual Machines
  • CI/CD4 Pipelines

Other Activities

  • Web content management via TYPO3 as a web editor
  • Help and support in the design and organisation of the project challenge Industrial Mobile Manipulator Challenge (IMMC)

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