On the pathway towards introducing a new Master’s Programme in Aeronautical Engineering, an option for individual studies of “Aeronautical Engineering” has been introduced at TU Wien. The new Master’s Programme is currently in the development and planning phase.

Until the launch of the official Master’s Programme, new courses will gradually be introduced contemplating different areas such as Aircraft Systems, Flight Physics, a Flight Physics Lab, Systems Engineering and a Structured Project in which a system or a specific aircraft capability is to be developed by a medium-sized design-build student team.

Lectures and seminars will be complemented by labs addressing aircraft applied propulsion, gas dynamics, heat transfer and avionics problems. One principal objective of these activities is to make physical phenomena tangible for students. The complete program will be offered in English in order to attend to an international demand in the field.

For further information on the offered courses, please contact us at aircraft.systems@tuwien.ac.at.

Courses Offered

Winter semester

Subject of the course: Development of aircraft technology, comparison of aircraft with other means of transportation, design guidelines, configurative design of the aircraft and design of the payload system (cabin, cargo hold), main design parameters and their influence on aircraft characteristics and performance (mass estimation, sizing of wing and engines), aircraft family concepts, atmosphere models

307.504 Aircraft Design I on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window


Subject of the course: Special problems of aircraft design are worked out by the seminar participants in the form of independent contributions under the technical supervision of the institute, prepared as a manuscript and lecture, presented and discussed. The topics are taken from annually changing areas of aircraft design and proposed to the participants for selection. Example topics: Numerical aircraft design. Derivation of low parametric statistical models from complex data sets. Parameter studies and optimisation. Propulsion integration. Glider design

307.513 , opens an external URL in a new windowSeminar on Aircraft Design on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window


Subject of the course: Introduction Systems Engineering, Development Processes, Complexity, Stakeholder Management, Innovation Management, Classic Requirements Management (Requirement Based Engineering), Variant Management, Validation and Verification, Human-Machine Interface, Model Theory, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): Use Case Analysis, Architectures, Communication (Data, Matter, Energy) and Interface Specification, Behaviour (Activities and State Machines), Textual Requirements in the Model, Traceability, Mathematical evaluations using Parametric Diagrams

307.095 Systems Engineering on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window

Subject of the course: Design, construction, testing and calibration of measuring equipment. Laboratory tests and free-field measurements. Measurement of noise immissions. Acquisition of propeller performance data.

307.102 Flight Lab on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window

Subject of the course: The students are given a project task. A starter pack of necessary working documents is intended to support systematic problem solving from the outset. The task can be the design of an aircraft, the solution of an optimisation task or a more detailed investigation of a component or an aircraft system. Modern computer-orientated methods for design and off-design analyses are also used for this purpose.

307.103 Project Work Aeronautical Engineering on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window

Summer semester

Subject: Analysis of design characteristics: Lift and moment distribution of the wing, detailed mass estimation, center of gravity locations and their limits, detailed drag estimation, high lift, flight performance: Horizontal Flight Diagram, Flight Range Diagram, Takeoff and Landing Distances, Mission Analysis and Payload Range Diagram, Direct Operating Costs, Stability and Controllability.

307.511 Aircraft Design II on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window


Subject: Hydraulic power systems, electric power systems, pneumatic power systems (bleed air), flight control systems, actuators, air conditioning, landing gear system, fuel systems, avionics systems, de-icing systems, system safety, fault tolerance, standards.

307.516 Aircraft Systems Technology on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window

Subject of the course: Introduction Systems Engineering, Development Processes, Complexity, Stakeholder Management, Innovation Management, Classic Requirements Management (Requirement Based Engineering), Variant Management, Validation and Verification, Human-Machine Interface, Model Theory, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): Use Case Analysis, Architectures, Communication (Data, Matter, Energy) and Interface Specification, Behaviour (Activities and State Machines), Textual Requirements in the Model, Traceability, Mathematical evaluations using Parametric Diagrams

307.095 Systems Engineering on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window


Subject of the course: Special problems from the field of aircraft systems or flight physics are worked out by the seminar participants in the form of independent contributions under the technical supervision of the institute, prepared as manuscripts and presentations, presented, and discussed. Example subject areas of flight physics: Conceptual aerodynamics, flight mechanics and flight control, flight simulation. Example subject areas aircraft systems: Flight measurement technology, system simulation, novel systems to reduce the climate impact of aviation and their integration (LH2 fuel system, fuel cell and auxiliary systems, battery systems, thermal management, water separation, noise emissions of these systems and means to reduce them).

307.100 Aeronautical Seminar on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window

Subject of the course: The students are given a project task. A starter pack of necessary working documents is intended to support systematic problem solving from the outset. The task can be the design of an aircraft, the solution of an optimisation task or a more detailed investigation of a component or an aircraft system. Modern computer-orientated methods for design and off-design analyses are also used for this purpose.

307.103 Project Work Aeronautical Engineering on TISS, opens an external URL in a new window