The Project sustainablySMART will make a change to the life cycle of mobile information and communication devices by developing new product design approaches (including enhanced end-of-life performance, re-use and re-manufacturing aspects; i.e. implementing “Design for a Circular Economy”) for smartphones and tablet computers on the product and printed circuit board level, and by new re-/de-manufacturing processes with improved resource efficiency through (1) enhanced sorting capabilities and speed (optimized sorting efficiency), (2) automated disassembly of mobile IT devices for extraction of reusable components / modules, better material separation and depollution of end-of-life devices (increase value creation out of discarded devices significantly to create an economic advantage over shredding processes), and (3) high-quality performance testing (batteries) and rework (semiconductors and modules) of reusable components/modules (creating a market push for reusable parts through enhanced availability for repair and cascade reuse).

Project website, opens an external URL in a new window

Detailed Project Description PDF, opens a file in a new window

Duration: 09/2015 - 10/2019

Funding: Förderprogramm H2020 III.5 Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Ressourceneffizienz u. Rohstoffe


  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung (DEU)
  • Circular Devices OY (FIN)
  • Fairphone BV (NLD)
  • Multimedia Computer System Ltd.(IRL)
  • Pro Automation GmbH (AUT)
  • IFixit GmbH (DEU)
  • ReUse-Cumputer e.V. (DEU)
  • Institut Tele- i Radiotechniczny (POL)
  • Granat4Com OY (FIN)
  • RFND Technologies AB (SWE)
  • AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG (AUT)
  • Speech Processing Soluntions GmbH (AUT)
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für System- und Automatisierungstechnik (AUT)
  • Blancco OY Ltd. (FIN)
  • Primetel PLC (CYP)
Smartphone with the text "sustainably smart"

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