Brief description: Within the framework of the three-year CIRCOTRONIC project, the circular economy of electronic products (EEEs) is to be improved. Together with SMEs, circular products and business models will be developed, circular hubs for information exchange will be created and a catalog of measures for political implementation will be developed.

In the first work package, various tools will be developed on the topics of design, materials & recovery, and business models and value chains. These will be tested in participating countries with SMEs of the EEE sector to develop circular solutions.

In the second work package, "circular" labs will be created, where experiences will be exchanged in an international network to support the development of circular solutions.

In the third work package, political framework conditions and necessary measures will be defined in order to further realize the circular economy for EEEs.

Project website, opens an external URL in a new window

Factsheet (.pdf), opens a file in a new window

Circotronic project with 12 partners, 2,38 Mio. € budget, three years duration and 5 pilotprojects

© Kasia Kupińska


Key facts of the 3-year CIRCOTRONIC project

Duration: 03/2023 - 02/2026

Funding: Interreg


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (SI)

ELVEZ, Manufacture of cable harnesses and processing of plastic, d.o.o. (SI)

Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre (SI)

Emilia-Romagna Region PP Italia (IT)

t2i – Technology transfer and innovation (IT)

Bavarian Research Alliance (GER)

Technical University of Kosice (SK)

The Agency for the Support of Regional Development Košice (SK)

Business Upper Austria – Upper Austrian business agency Ldt (AT)

Vienna University of Technology (AT)

Association Media Dizajn (PL)

Elektryka Morska Sp. z o.o. (PL)


Associated partners:

Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo (SI)


Technische Universität München (GER)

Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (AT)

Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura di Venezia Rovigo (IT)

Dom Skandynawski (PL)

Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Wydział Wzornictwa (PL)

Košický samosprávny kraj (SK)