Registration for Diploma Examination

To register for the diploma examination, please send us the application documents by e-mail to (Applies to collective as well as individual examination dates).

We do not accept the allocation or the selection of an appointment via TISS as an examination registration.

In compliance with the access regulations of the TUW presence examinations are permitted. This is applicable for diploma examinations as well as for viva voce examinations.

Changes for Submission of PhD Thesis

As discussed in the Faculty Council meeting on January 13th, 2021, the finished dissertations must be submitted as a PDF version at least 2 months before the planned date of the final examination in order to enable a plagiarism check.

Please send completed dissertations as a PDF  2 months (8 weeks) before your exam date to and

Please note that over the course of 2021 it is planned that diploma theses must also be submitted as a PDF for plagiarism check at least 1 month before the planned examination date. - The date for the concrete implementation will be announced as soon as possible.

All the necessary forms for graduation are accessible online. The documents for a Master's degree must be submitted to the Dean’s Office 3 weeks before the examination date - 8 weeks before the (planned) exam date for PhD. Possible details can be clarified with the clerk on the spot.

The new Directives (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window for the electronic legal deposit of university theses apply from 01/09/2013.

(Your master’s or diploma thesis or dissertation is entered in TISS, where you can electronically give your consent to publication and where you must also upload the full text at the same time. It is mandatory to submit an electronic version of your master’s or diploma thesis or dissertation.)