
New written work generated from our research mostly appears first on Arxiv before being submitted for publication to scientific journals.  A list of our recent pre-pubs is below.

Research Reports - ISSN 2521-313X

Previously, new research reports were initially published in our online departmental publication with the identifier ISSN 2521-313X.  The listings are subsequently updated, as the prepubs are published in academic journals. The links to those publications are below.  PDF copies of the original research reports are available on request from

N. Jork: Finite Element Error Analysis of Affine Optimal Control Problems. Research Report 2023-01, VADOR, TU Wien, 2023. [Published in  ESAIM: COCV Volume 30, 2024, opens an external URL in a new window]

F. Ferraccioli, N. I. Stilianakis, V. M. Veliov: A spatial epidemiological model with contact and mobility restrictions. Research Report 2023-02, VADOR, TU Wien, 2023. [Published in Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems (2024) 30(1), 284–302., opens an external URL in a new window]

G. Angelov, R. Kovacevic, N. I. Stilianakis, V. M. Veliov: An immuno-epidemiological model with waning immunity after infection or vaccination. Research Report 2023-03, VADOR, TU Wien, 2023. [Published in J. Math. Biol. 88, 71 (2024)., opens an external URL in a new window]

L. Schuh, P.V. Markov, N. I. Stilianakis, V. M. Veliov: A mathematical model for the within-host (re)infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2. Research Report 2023-04, VADOR, TU Wien, 2023. [Published in Mathematical Biosciences, Volume 371(2024) 109178,, opens an external URL in a new window]

A. Daniilidis, D. Salas and S. Tapia Garcia: A slope generalization of Attouch Theorem, Research Report 2023-05, VADOR, TU Wien, 2023. [Accepted for publication in Math. Programming DOI, opens an external URL]

A. Daniilidis, Le Minh Tri, D. Salas: Metric Compatibility in complete metric spaces. Research Report 2023-06, VADOR. TU Wien, 2023. [Accepted for publication in Mathematische Zeitschrift]

A. Daniilidis, D. Salas, Steepest geometric descent for regularized quasiconvex functions, Research Report 2023-07, VADOR, TU Wien 2023. [Published in Set-Valued Variational Analysis 32 (2024), DOI, opens an external URL in a new window]

A. Dominguez Corella, N. Jork, S. Nečasová, H.S.H. Simon : Stability analysis of the Niavier-Stokes velocity tracking problem with bang-bang controls. Research Report 2023-08, VADOR, TU Wien, 2023. [Published in J Optim Theory Appl (2024)., opens an external URL in a new window]

A. Domínguez Corella, N. Jork, V.M. Veliov: Stability in affine optimal control problems constrained by semilinear elliptic partial differential equations. Research Report 2022-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2022. [Published in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations,  COCV 28 (2022) 79,, opens an external URL in a new window]

E. Casas,  A. Domínguez Corella, N. JorkNew assumptions for stability analysis in elliptic optimal control problems. Research Report 2022-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2022. [Published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Vol. 61, Iss. 3 (2023), opens an external URL in a new window]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. VeliovOn the strong subregularity of the optimality mapping in an optimal control problem with pointwise inequality control constraints. Research Report 2022-03,, opens an external URL in a new window ORCOS, TU Wien, 2022. [Published in Applied Mathematics & Optimization (2023) 87:43,, opens an external URL in a new window]

A. Domínguez Corella, N. Jork, V.M. Veliov: On the solution stability of parabolic optimal control
problems. Research Report 2022-04, VADOR (formerly ORCOS), TU Wien, 2022 [Published in Computational Optimization and Applications, Springer March 2023. Open Access, opens an external URL in a new window

A. Daniilidis, L. Miclo, D. Salas: Descent modulus and applications Research Report 2022-05 VADOR, TU Wien, 2022 Published in Journal of Functional Analysis 287 (2024), opens an external URL in a new window

A. Daniilidis & D. Drusvyatskiy: The slope robustly determines convex functions Research Report 2022-06 VADOR, TU Wien, 2022 [Published in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2003), 151(11), 4751–4756., opens an external URL in a new window

A. Daniilidis & M. Quincampoix: Extending Rademacher Theorem to Set-Valued Maps Research Report 2022-07 VADOR, TU Wien, 2022, SIAM Journal on Optimization, vol 34 (2024), 1784-1798, opens an external URL in a new window

A. Domínguez Corella, N. Jork, V.M. Veliov: Solution stability of parabolic optimal problems with fixed-state distribution of controls. Research Report 2022-08, VADOR (formerly ORCOS), TU Wien, 2022 [published in Serdica Mathematical Journal (2023) Sofia, Bulgaria, 49(1–3), pp. 155–186., opens an external URL in a new window]

J.P. Caulkins, D. Grass, G. Feichtinger, R.F.Hartl, P.M.Kort, A. Prskawetz, A. Seidl, S. WrzaczekCOVID-19 and optimal lockdown strategies: The effect of new and more virulent strains. Research Report 2021-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2021. [Published in Pandemics: Insurance and Social Protection, Springer 2022, pp 163–190., opens an external URL in a new window ]

G. Angelov, R. Kovacevic, N.I. Stilianakis, and V.M. VeliovOptimal vaccination strategies using a distributed epidemiological model applied to COVID-19. Research Report 2021-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2021. [Published in Cent Eur J Oper Res (2022)., opens an external URL in a new window ]

A. D. Corella,  V.M. VeliovHölder Regularity in Bang-Bang Type Affine Optimal Control Problems. Research Report 2021-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2021. [Published in Large-Scale Scientific Computing. LSSC 2021, Springer Cham 2022., opens an external URL in a new window ]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. VeliovOn the Strong Metric Subregularity in Mathematical Programming. Research Report 2021-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2021. [Published in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 500(1):125077 DOI:10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125077, opens an external URL in a new window ]

G. Angelov, A. Domínguez Corella, V.M. Veliov: On the accuracy of the model predictive control method. Research Report 2021-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2021. [Published in  SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Vol. 60, Iss. 4 (2022), opens an external URL in a new window ]

A. Daniilidis, M. Haddou, O. Ley: A convex function satisfying the Lojasiewicz inequality but failing the gradient conjecture both at zero and infinity. Research Report 2021-06, opens an external URL in a new window (PDF) ORCOS TU Wien, 2021. Published in Bull. London Math. Soc. 54 (2022), 590-608, opens an external URL in a new window DOI: 10.1112/blms.12586

A. Daniilidis, D. Salas: Determination of functions by metric slopes. Research Report 2021-07 ORCOS TU Wien, 2021. Published in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 4325-4333, opens an external URL in a new window

DOI:, opens an external URL in a new window

G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, P. Kort, A. Seidl: On the Matthew effect in research careers: Abnormality on the boundary. Research Report 2020-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2020, 104058;, opens an external URL in a new window ]

R. Kovacevic, W. Semmler: Poverty traps and disaster insurance in a bi-level decision framework. Research Report 2020-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Dynamic Economic Problems with Regime Switches, 2021, pp 57-83., opens an external URL in a new window]

R. Kovacevic: Arbitrage conditions for electricity markets with production and storage. Research Report 2020-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Comput Manag Sci 16, 671–696 (2019)., opens an external URL in a new window]

W. J. Gutjahr, R. Kovacevic, D. Wozabal, : Splitting a Random Pie: Nash-Type Bargaining with Coherent Acceptability Measures. Research Report 2020-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. 

Y. Yegorov, F. Wirl, D. Grass, M. Eigruber, G. Feichtinger: On the Matthew Effect on Individual Investments in Skills in Arts, Sports and Science. Research Report 2020-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in JEBO-D-20-01586R3, opens an external URL in a new window]

D. Grass, G. Feichtinger, P.M. Kort, A. Seidl: Why (some) abnormal problems are "normal". Research Report 2020-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Systems & Control Letters, 2021,, opens an external URL in a new window ]

A. D. Corella, M. Quincampoix, V. Veliov: Strong bi-metric regularity in affine optimal control problems. Research Report 2020-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Pure an Applied Functional Analysis, 9(6):1119-1137, 2021, opens an external URL in a new window]

A.J. Novák, G. Feichtinger: Accumulation and Obsolescence of Research Knowledge. Research Report 2020-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Cent Eur J Oper Res 30, 1151–1166 (2022)., opens an external URL in a new window]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. Veliov: On the Strong Metric Subregularity in Mathematical Programming. Research Report 2020-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020.  [published in Control and Cybernetics, vol.50, no.4, 2021, pp.457-471., opens an external URL in a new window ]

J. Caulkins, D. Grass, G. Feichtinger, R. Hartl, Peter M. Kort, A. Prskawetz, A. Seidl, S. WrzaczekHow Long Should the COVID-19 Lockdown Continue? Research Report 2020-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in PLOS ONE, 2020,, opens an external URL in a new window ]

J. Caulkins, D. Grass, G. Feichtinger, R. Hartl, Peter M. Kort, A. Prskawetz, A. Seidl, S. WrzaczekThe optimal lockdown intensity for COVID-19. Research Report 2020-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2021,, opens an external URL in a new window ]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. Veliov: On the strong subregularity of the optimality mapping in mathematical programming and calculus of variations. Research Report 2020-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 500(1), August 1, 2021,, opens an external URL in a new window]

R. Kovacevic, N.I. Stilianakis, V. M. VeliovA Distributed Optimal Control Epidemiological Model Applied to COVID-19 Pandemic. Research Report 2020-13, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Vol. 60, Iss. 2 (2022) DOI 10.1137/20M1373840, opens an external URL in a new window]

G. Feichtinger, A.J. Novak, F. Wirl: Institutional change, education and population growth: lessons from dynamic modelling. Research Report 2020-14, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2020. [published in Dynamic Economic Problems with Regime Switches, 2021, pp 37-56. Doi 10.1007/978-3-030-54576-5_2, opens an external URL in a new window ]

E. Augeraud-Veron, R. Boucekkine, V.M. Veliov: Distributed Optimal Control Models in Environmental Economics: A Review. Research Report 2019-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019. [published in Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, opens an external URL in a new window, 2019, Vol.14, No.1/106]

Y. Yegorov, D. Grass, M. Mirescu, G. Feichtinger, F. Wirl: Growth and collapse of empires: a dynamic optimization model. Research Report 2019-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019. [published in Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna Inst. of Demography, Working paper 05/2019 and in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2020) 186:620–643., opens an external URL in a new window]

G. Feichtinger,  D. Grass,  M. Winkler-Dworak: The Mathematics of Ageing. Research Report 2019-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019. [published in Central European Journal of Operations Research 28, pp.371–399(2020), doi:10.1007/s10100-019-00661-w, opens an external URL in a new window]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. Veliov: Metric sub-regularity in optimal control of affine problems with free end state. Research Report 2019-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019.[published in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations,, opens an external URL in a new window 2020, opens an external URL in a new window]

S.M. Aseev, V.M. VeliovAnother View of the Maximum Principle for Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems in Economics. Research Report 2019-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019 (updated version of Research Report 2017-05). [published in Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 74:6(450) (2019), 3–54, opens an external URL in a new window]

G. Feichtinger: Disparitäten in Wissenschaftskarrieren. Research Report 2019-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019. [published in OR-News Nr. 65, opens an external URL in a new window, 2019, 6-13]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. Veliov: On the regularity of Mayer-type affine optimal control problems. Research Report 2019-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019.[published in Lirkov I., Margenov S. (eds) Large-Scale Scientific Computing. LSSC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11958, 2020. Springer, Cham, DOI, opens an external URL in a new window]

A.L. Dontchev, I.V. Kolmanovsky, D. Liao-McPherson, M.M. Nicotra, V.M. Veliov: Sensitivity-based Warmstarting for Constrained Model Predictive Control. Research Report 2019-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019. [published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(10), pp 4288-4294, 2020. doi:10.1109/TAC.2019.2954359, opens an external URL in a new window ]

A.L. Dontchev, I.V. Kolmanovsky, M.I. Krastanov, V.M. Veliov: Approximating open-loop and closed-loop optimal control by model predictive control. Research Report 2019-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2019. [published in 2020 European Control Conference, opens an external URL in a new window (ECC), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020, pp. 190-195.]

R. Cibulka, J. Preininger, T. RoubalOn uniform regularity and strong regularity. Research Report 2018-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in Optimization, 2019, 68(2-3):549-577,], opens an external URL in a new window

Phan Tu VuongOn the Weak Convergence of the Extragradient Method for Solving Pseudo-Monotone Variational Inequalities. Research Report 2018-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018, Vol 176(2):399-409, doi 10.1007/s10957-017-1214-0, opens an external URL in a new window]

R. KovacevicArbitrage Conditions for Electricity Markets with Production and Storage. Research Report 2018-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in Computational Management Science, 2019,, opens an external URL in a new window], opens an external URL in a new window

A. L. Dontchev, M. I. Krastanov, V. M. VeliovOn the existence of Lipschitz continuous optimal feedback control. Research Report 2018-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, opens an external URL in a new window, 2019, 47(3) 579-597, DOI 10.1007/s10013-019-00347-5]

A. L. Dontchev, I. V. Kolmanovsky, M. I. Krastanov, M. M. Nicotra, V. M. VeliovLipschitz Stability in Discretized Optimal Control. Research Report 2018-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,, opens an external URL in a new window 2019, 57(1), 468–489]

A. L. Dontchev, M. Huang, I. V. Kolmanovsky, M. M. NicotraInexact Newton-Kantorovich Methods for Constrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Research Report 2018-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, opens an external URL in a new window, 2019, 64(9), 3602-3615]

A. L. Dontchev, I. V. Kolmanovsky, M. I. Krastanov, V. M. Veliov, P. T. VuongApproximating optimal finite horizon feedback by model predictive control. Research Report 2018-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in Systems & Control Letters, 2020, Vol. 139,, opens an external URL in a new window]

M. Quincampoix, T. Scarinci, V.M. VeliovOn the metric regularity of affine optimal control problems. Research Report 2018-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018 [published in Journal of Convex Analysis, opens an external URL in a new window , 2020,  27(2)509-533]

G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, P.M. KortOptimal scientific production over the life cycle. Research Report 2018-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2018. [published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 108, November 2019, 103752,, opens an external URL in a new window]

D. Grass, H. UeckerOptimal management and spatial patterns in a distributed shallow lake model. Research Report 2017-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Electronic J. Differential Equations, opens an external URL in a new window, Vol. 2017 (2017), No. 01, pp. 1-21]

D. Grass, M. Kress, J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, A. SeidlLanchester Model for Three-Way Combat. Research Report 2017-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in European Journal of Operational Research, opens an external URL in a new window 264 (2018) 46-54]

D. Grass, A. Xepapadeas, A.d.ZeeuwOptimal Management of Ecosystem Services with Pollution Traps: The Lake Model Revisited. Research Report 2017-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, opens an external URL in a new window, Vol. 4, No. 4, December 2017]

J. Preininger, T. Scarinci, V.M. VeliovOn the Regularity of Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems with Bang-Bang Solutions. Research Report 2017-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in LSSC, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018, pp237-245]

S.M. Aseev, V.M. VeliovAnother View of the Maximum Principle for Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems in Economics. Research Report 2017-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Russian Math. Surveys 74:6, opens an external URL in a new window, 963-1011 (2019), uspekihi Mat. Nauk 76:6,3-54]

T. Scarinci, V.M. VeliovHigher-Order Numerical Scheme for Linear Quadratic Problems with Bang-Bang Controls. Research Report 2017-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Computational Optimization and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018, 69:403-422]

J. Preininger, T. Scarinci, V.M. VeliovMetric regularity properties in bang-bang type linear-quadratic optimal control problems. Research Report 2017-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018, 27(2)381-404  DOI 10.1007/s11228-018-0488-1]

Phan Tu Vuong, J.J. StrodiotThe Glowinski  ̶  Le Tallec splitting method revisited in the framework of equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces. Research Report 2017-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Journal of Global Optimization, opens an external URL in a new window, 2017, doi 10.1007/s10898-017-0575-0]

N.T.T. Ha, J. J. Strodiot, Phan Tu VuongOn the global exponential stability of a projected dynamical system for strongly pseudomonotone variational inequalities. Research Report 2017-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Optimization Letters, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018, doi 10.1007/s11590-018-1230-5 ]

J. Preininger, Phan Tu Vuong: On the Convergence of the Gradient Projection Method for Optimal Control Problems with Bang-Bang Solutions. Research Report 2017-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Computational Optimization and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018, 70(1):221-238, doi 10.1007/s10589-018-9981-6 ]

V.M.Veliov, Phan Tu Vuong: Gradient Methods on Strongly Convex Feasible Sets and Optimal Control of Affine Systems. Research Report 2017-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Applied Mathematics & Optimization, opens an external URL in a new window, 2018. doi 10.1007/s00245-018-9528-3, opens an external URL in a new window]

N.T.T. Van, J.J. Strodiot, V.H. Nguyen and Phan Tu VuongAn extragradient-type method for solving nonmonotone quasi-equilibrium problems. Research Report 2017-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2017 [published in Optimization, opens an external URL in a new window, 2017, doi 10.1080/02331934.2017.1416610, opens an external URL in a new window]

J.P. Caulkins, G. TraglerDynamic Drug Policy: Optimally Varying the Mix of Treatment, Price-Raising Enforcement, and Primary Prevention Over Time. Research Report 2016-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016  [published in "Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making - Essays in Honor of Richard Hartl", Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-39118-2, 149 - 166]

S. Wrzaczek, E.H. Kaplan, J.P. Caulkins, A. Seidl, G. FeichtingerDifferential Terror Queue Games. Research Report 2016-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016  [published in Dynamic Games and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s13235-016-0195-1]

V.M. Veliov,  A. WidderModeling and Estimation of Infectious Diseases in a Population with Heterogeneous Dynamic Immunity. Research Report 2016-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in Journal of Biological Dynamics, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 10(1):457-476]

A. Pietrus, T. Scarinci and V.M. VeliovHigh Order Discrete Approximations to Mayer's Problems for Linear Systems. Research Report 2016-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in SIAM J. Control and Optim, opens an external URL in a new window., 2018, 56(1)102-119]

A. Widder: Aggregation and optimisation in epidemiological models of heterogeneous populations. Research Report 2016-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016

A. Böhm,  N. I. Stilianakis, A. WidderOptimal Control of Infectious Diseases in a Population with Heterogeneous Dynamic Immunity. Research Report 2016-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016

R. Cibulka, A. L. Dontchev, M. Krastanov, V. M. VeliovMetrically Regular Differential Generalized Equations. Research Report 2016-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in SIAM J. Control and Optim, opens an external URL in a new window., 2018, 56(1), 316-342]

A. Widder: On the usefulness of set-membership estimation in epidemiology of infectious diseases. Research Report 2016-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016

S. M. Aseev, M. I. Krastanov, V. M. Veliov: Optimality Conditions for Discrete-Time Optimal Control on Infinite Horizon.  Research Report 2016-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, opens an external URL in a new window, 2017, 2(3)395-409]

F. El Ouardighi, G. Erickson, D. Grass, S. Jørgensen: Contracts and Information Structure in a Supply Chain with Operations and Marketing Interaction.  , opens an external URL in a new windowResearch Report 2016-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in International Game Theory Review, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 18(4) pp 1650014, 1-36]

J. Grames, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, D. Grass, A. Viglione, G. Blöschl: Modelling the interaction between flooding events and economic growth.  Research Report 2016-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in Journal of Ecological Economics, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 129:193-209]

N.P. Osmolovskii, V.M. VeliovOptimal control of age-structured systems with mixed state-control constraints. Research Report 2016-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in J. Math. Analysis and Appl, opens an external URL in a new window., 2017, 455:396-421]

A. O. Belyakov, A. A. Davydov, V. M. VeliovOptimal cyclic harvesting of a renewable resource. Research Report 2016-13, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016 [published in Doklady Mathematics, opens an external URL in a new window, 2017,  96(2): 472–474 and Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 2017, 476 (4):1-4 (in Russian)]

P. Grandits, R. M. Kovacevic, V. M. Veliov: Optimal control and the Value of Information for a Stochastic Epidemiological SIS-Model. Research Report 2016-14, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2016  [published in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2019, 476(2):665-695]

V.M. Veliov: Numerical Approximations in Optimal Control of a Class of Heterogeneous Systems. Research Report 2015-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Computers & Mathematics with Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2015, 70(11):2652-2660, doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.04.029]

R.M. Kovacevic and A. PichlerTree Approximation for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes — A Process Distance Approach. Research Report 2015-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Annals of Operations Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2015, 235(1):395-421, DOI 10.1007/s10479-015-1994-2]

T. Breuer and R.M. KovacevicMultiperiod Maximum Loss Is Time Unit Invariant - a Short Note. Research Report 2015-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published open access, opens an external URL in a new window: Kovacevic and Breuer SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1336 DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2959-x]

R.M. KovacevicValuation and Pricing of Electricity Delivery Contracts – The Producer´s View. Research Report 2015-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Annals of Operations Research, 2019, 275:421-460, doi 10.1007/s10479-018-3010-0, opens an external URL in a new window]

J. P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort and A. SeidlHistory-Dependence Generated by the Interaction of Pricing, Advertising and Experience Quality. R, opens an external URL in a new windowesearch Report 2015-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in European J of Operational Reserach, opens an external URL in a new window, 2017, 877-885]

A.L. Dontchev and V.M. VeliovRegularity Properties of Mappings in Optimal Control. Research Report 2015-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Control Processes., pp. 35--41, Proc. Internat. Conf. dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N. Krasovskii. Publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the RAC, 2015]

B. Skritek: On the Optimal Control of Heterogeneous Systems. Research Report 2015-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015

A.O. Belyakov and V.M. VeliovOn Optimal Harvesting in Age-Structured Populations. Research Report 2015-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in "Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making - Essays in Honor of Richard Hartl", Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-39118-2, 149 - 166.

R.M. KovacevicStochastic SIS Epidemic Models - The PDE-Approach. Research Report 2015-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015

V.M. VeliovRelaxation of Euler-Type Discrete-Time Control System. Research Report 2015-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in In Large-Scale Scientific Computing, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9374:134--141, Springer, 2015]

T. Tsachev,  V. M. Veliov,  A. Widder: Set-membership estimations for the evolution of infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations. Research Report 2015-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in J Math Biol, opens an external URL in a new window, (2017) 74:1081-1106]

A. Seidl, E. H. Kaplan, J. P. Caulkins, S. Wrzaczek, G. FeichtingerOptimal Control of a Terror Queue. Research Report 2015-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in European Journal of Operational Research, opens an external URL in a new window 2016, 248(1)246-256]

A. Seidl, A. Steindl, G. FeichtingerDegenerated Hopf Bifurcations in a Demographic Diffusion Model. Research Report 2015-13, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Grazer Mathematische Berichte (invited), 363 (2015), S. 40 - 55]

R. Cibulka, A.L. Dontchev and V.M. VeliovGraves-type Theorems for the Sum of a Lipschitz Function and a Set-valued Mapping. Research Report 2015-14, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, opens an external URL in a new window, 6 (2016), S. 3273 - 3296)

T. Templin, A. Seidl, B.A. Wickström, G. FeichtingerOptimal language policy for the preservation of a minority language. Research Report 2015-15, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015  [published in Mathematical Social Sciences, opens an external URL in a new window, Volume 81, May 2016, pp 8–21]

R. Cibulka, A. L. Dontchev, J. Preininger, T. Roubal and V. VeliovKantorovich-type Theorems for Generalized Equations. Research Report 2015-16, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in  Journal of Convex Analysis, opens an external URL in a new window, 25(2), 2018, pp 459-486]

F. El Ouardighi, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. KortAutonomous and advertising-dependent “word of mouth” under costly dynamic pricing. Research Report 2015-17, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015  [published in European Journal of Operational Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 251(3), pp 860-872]

F. El Ouardighi, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. KortAdvertising and Quality-Dependent Word-of-Mouth in a Contagion Sales Model. Research Report 2015-18, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015  [published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 170(1), pp 323-342]

V.M. Veliov: Numerical Approximations in Optimal Control of a Class of Heterogeneous Systems. Research Report 2015-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Computers & Mathematics with Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2015, 70(11):2652-2660, doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2015.04.029]

R.M. Kovacevic and A. PichlerTree Approximation for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes — A Process Distance Approach. Research Report 2015-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Annals of Operations Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2015, 235(1):395-421, DOI 10.1007/s10479-015-1994-2]

T. Breuer and R.M. KovacevicMultiperiod Maximum Loss Is Time Unit Invariant - a Short Note. Research Report 2015-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published open access, opens an external URL in a new window: Kovacevic and Breuer SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1336 DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2959-x]

R.M. KovacevicValuation and Pricing of Electricity Delivery Contracts – The Producer´s View. Research Report 2015-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Annals of Operations Research, 2019, 275:421-460, doi 10.1007/s10479-018-3010-0, opens an external URL in a new window]

J. P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort and A. SeidlHistory-Dependence Generated by the Interaction of Pricing, Advertising and Experience Quality. Research Report 2015-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in European J of Operational Reserach, opens an external URL in a new window, 2017, 877-885]

A.L. Dontchev and V.M. VeliovRegularity Properties of Mappings in Optimal Control. Research Report 2015-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Control Processes., pp. 35--41, Proc. Internat. Conf. dedicated to the 90th anniversary of N.N. Krasovskii. Publisher: Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the RAC, 2015]

B. Skritek: On the Optimal Control of Heterogeneous Systems. Research Report 2015-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015

A.O. Belyakov and V.M. VeliovOn Optimal Harvesting in Age-Structured Populations. Research Report 2015-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in "Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making - Essays in Honor of Richard Hartl", Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-39118-2, 149 - 166.

R.M. KovacevicStochastic SIS Epidemic Models - The PDE-Approach. Research Report 2015-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015

V.M. VeliovRelaxation of Euler-Type Discrete-Time Control System. Research Report 2015-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in In Large-Scale Scientific Computing, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9374:134--141, Springer, 2015]

T. Tsachev,  V. M. Veliov,  A. Widder: Set-membership estimations for the evolution of infectious diseases in heterogeneous populations. Research Report 2015-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in J Math Biol, opens an external URL in a new window, (2017) 74:1081-1106]

A. Seidl, E. H. Kaplan, J. P. Caulkins, S. Wrzaczek, G. FeichtingerOptimal Control of a Terror Queue. Research Report 2015-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in European Journal of Operational Research, opens an external URL in a new window 2016, 248(1)246-256]

A. Seidl, A. Steindl, G. FeichtingerDegenerated Hopf Bifurcations in a Demographic Diffusion Model. Research Report 2015-13, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in Grazer Mathematische Berichte (invited), 363 (2015), S. 40 - 55]

R. Cibulka, A.L. Dontchev and V.M. VeliovGraves-type Theorems for the Sum of a Lipschitz Function and a Set-valued Mapping. Research Report 2015-14, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, opens an external URL in a new window, 6 (2016), S. 3273 - 3296)

T. Templin, A. Seidl, B.A. Wickström, G. FeichtingerOptimal language policy for the preservation of a minority language. Research Report 2015-15, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015  [published in Mathematical Social Sciences, opens an external URL in a new window, Volume 81, May 2016, pp 8–21]

R. Cibulka, A. L. Dontchev, J. Preininger, T. Roubal and V. VeliovKantorovich-type Theorems for Generalized Equations. Research Report 2015-16, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015 [published in  Journal of Convex Analysis, opens an external URL in a new window, 25(2), 2018, pp 459-486]

F. El Ouardighi, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. KortAutonomous and advertising-dependent “word of mouth” under costly dynamic pricing. Research Report 2015-17, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015  [published in European Journal of Operational Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 251(3), pp 860-872]

F. El Ouardighi, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. KortAdvertising and Quality-Dependent Word-of-Mouth in a Contagion Sales Model. Research Report 2015-18, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2015  [published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2016, 170(1), pp 323-342]

M. Quincampoix, V.M. Veliov: Metric Regularity and Stability of Optimal Control Problems for Linear Systems. Research Report 2013-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in SIAM J. Control Optim, opens an external URL in a new window, 2013, 51(5), 4118-4137, DOI:10.1137/130914383]

J. Haunschmied, A. Pietrus, V.M. Veliov: The Euler Method for Linear Control Systems Revisited. Research Report 2013-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in Large-Scale Scientific Computing, opens an external URL in a new window. 2014, 8353:90-97, DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-43880-0_9]

A. Widder: Dealing with different types of population heterogeneity in epidemiological models. Research Report 2013-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013

E. Moser, D. Grass, G. Tragler, A. Prskawetz: Optimal Control Models of Renewable Energy Production under Fluctuating Supply. Research Report 2013-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in Large-Scale Scientific Computing, opens an external URL in a new window, 2014, 8353:133-142]

G. Feichtinger, A. Prskawetz, A. Seidl, C. Simon, S. Wrzaczek: Do Egalitarian Societies Boost Fertility? Research Report 2013-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, A. Seidl, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort: Capital stock management during a recession that freezes credit markets. Research Report 2013-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, opens an external URL in a new window, 2015, 116(1), 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.02.023]

A.O. Belyakov, A. Davydov, V.M. Veliov: Optimal cyclic exploitation of renewable resources. Research Report 2013-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, opens an external URL in a new window (2015) 21:475-494]

B. Skritek, T. Tsachev, V.M. Veliov: Optimality conditions and the Hamiltonian for a distributed optimal control problem on controlled domain. Research Report 2013-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in Applied Mathematics & Optimization, opens an external URL in a new window 2014, 70(1):141-164, doi:10.1007/s00245-014-9237-5]

C. Simon: Overlapping Generations Models with Immigration. Research Report 2013-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013

F.J. Aragon Artacho, A.Belyakov, A.L. Dontchev, M.Lopez: Local convergence of quasi-Newton methods under metric regularity. Research Report 2013-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2013 [published in Computational Optimization and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2014, 58(1):225-247]

A. Belyakov, J. Haunschmied, V. Veliov: General Equilibrium Model with Horizontal Innovations and Heterogeneous Products. Research Report 2012-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published: Heterogeneous consumption in OLG model with horizontal innovations.  Portuguese Economic Journal, opens an external URL in a new window, 13(3):167-193, 2014.]

T. Brechet, C. Camacho, V. Veliov: Adaptive Model-Predictive Climate Policies in a Multi-Country Setting. Research Report 2012-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming, opens an external URL in a new window, Oxford Univ. Press, 2015, pp 114-138, doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199856978.013.0006 ]

S. Wrzaczek, P. M. Kort: Anticipation in Innovative Investment under Oligopolistic Competition. Research Report 2012-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Automatica,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 48:2812-2823]

S. Aseev, V. Veliov: Needle Variations in Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control. Research Report 2012-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Variational and Optimal Control Problems on Unbounded Domains, opens an external URL in a new window, Contemporary Mathematics, 619:1--17, 2014]

G. Feichtinger, A. Krasovskii, A. Prskawetz, V. Veliov: Optimal age-specific election policies in two-level organizations with fixed size. Research Report 2012-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Central European Journal of Operations Research,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 2:649-677]

A.L. Dontchev, M. Krastanov, R.T. Rockafellar, V.M. Veliov: An Euler-Newton Continuation Method for Tracking Solution Trajectories of Parametric Variational Inequalities. Research Report 2012-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in SIAM J. Control Optim, opens an external URL in a new window, 2013, 51(3), 1823–1840]

C. Simon, B. Skritek, V.M. Veliov: Optimal immigration age-patterns in populations of fixed size. Research Report 2012-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2013,  405(1):71-89,, opens an external URL in a new window]

F. Riosmena, M. Winkler-Dworak, A. Prskawetz, G. FeichtingerThe impact of policies influencing the demography of age-structured populations: lessons from academies of sciences. Research Report 2012-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Genus: A Population Journal,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 67(2):29-59]

E. Moser, A. Seidl, G. FeichtingerHistory-Dependence in Production-Pollution-Trade-Off Models: A Multi-Stage Approach. Research Report 2012-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Annals of Operations Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2014, 222(1):457-481, DOI 10.1007/s10479-013-1349-9]

F. Wirl, G. Feichtinger, P.M. Kort: Individual Firm and Market Dynamics of CSR Activities. Research Report 2012-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012  [published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,, opens an external URL in a new window 2013, 86:169-182]

A. SeidlPeriodic Updates Relying on Open Source Software: An Impulse Approach. Research Report 2012-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in IFAC-PapersOnLine, DOI 10.3182/20120913-4-IT-4027.00020, opens an external URL in a new window]

D. Grass: Numerical computation of the optimal vector field: exemplified by a fishery model. Research Report 2012-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2012 [published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 36(10)1626-1658]

F.J. Aragón, A.L. Dontchev, M. Gaydu, M.H. Geoffroy and V.M. Veliov: Metric Regularity of Newton´s Iteration. Research Report 2011-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,, opens an external URL in a new window 2011, 49(2)339-362]

E. Moser, A. Prskawetz, G. Tragler: Environmental Regulations, Abatement and Economic Growth. Research Report 2011-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [Book contribution, published in Green Growth and Sustainable Development, opens an external URL in a new window, J. Crespo Cuaresma, T. Palokangas, A. Tarasyev (ed.); Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN: 978-3642343537, 87 - 111]

G. Feichtinger, M. Kuhn, A. Prskawetz, S. Wrzaczek: The reproductive value as part of the shadow price of population. Research Report 2011-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Demographic Research,, opens an external URL in a new window 2011, 24(28):709-718]

M. Kuhn, S. Wrzaczek, A. Prskawetz, G. Feichtinger: Externalities in a Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Survival. Research Report 2011-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Journal of Mathematical Economics,, opens an external URL in a new window 2011, 47(4-5):627-641]

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, A. Novak, A. Seidl: Leading Bureaucracies to the Tipping Point: An Alternative Model of Multiple Stable Equilibrium Levels of Corruption. Research Report 2011-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in European Journal of Operational Research,, opens an external URL in a new window 2013, 225(3)541-546]

S.M. Aseev and V.M. Veliov: Maximum Principle for Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems with Dominating Discount. Research Report 2011-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 19:1-2]

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, A. Seidl: When to Make Proprietary Software Open Source. Research Report 2011-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011   [published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, opens an external URL in a new window, 2013, 37(6):182–1194]

F. Wirl, G. Feichtinger, P.M. Kort: Individual Firm and Market Dynamics of CSR Activities. Research Report 2011-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,, opens an external URL in a new window 2013, 86:169–182]

B. Skritek: Annuities versus Bonds - Optimal Consumption and Investment Decisions in a Continuous Life Cycle Model. Research Report 2011-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, A.J. Novak, A. Seidl, F. Wirl: A Dynamic Analysis of Schelling’s Binary Corruption Model: A Competitive Equilibrium Approach.&nbsp Research Report 2011-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, opens an external URL in a new window, 2014, 161(2):608-625]

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger,  R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, A.J. Novak, A. Seidl: Multiple Equilibria and Skiba Points in a Rational Addiction Model. Research Report 2011-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Central European Journal of Operations Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2013, 21(3):507-522,  DOI 10.1007/s10100-012-0260-9]

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger,  R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, A.J. Novak, A. Seidl: Long Term Implications of Drug Policy Shifts: Anticipating and Non Anticipating Consumers.  Research Report 2011-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Annual Reviews in Control, opens an external URL in a new window, 2013, 37(1):105-115]

A. Belyakov, G. Feichtinger, C. Simon: Minimizing the Dependency Ratio in a Population with Below-Replacement Fertility through Immigration. Research Report 2011-13, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2011 [published in Theoretical Population Biology,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 82(3):158-169]

A.L. Dontchev and V.M. Veliov: Metric Regularity under Approximations. Research Report 2010-01, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Control & Cybernetics;, opens an external URL in a new window 2009, Vol. 38/4B Issue 4, p1283-1303]

G. Feichtinger, A.J. Novak and V.M. Veliov: Applying the Leitmann-Stalford Sufficient Conditions to Maximation Control Problems with Non-Concave Hamiltonian. Research Report 2010-02, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Applied Mathematics and Computation,, opens an external URL in a new window 2010, 217(3)1017-1022]

T. Bréchet, T. Tsachev, V.M. VeliovMarkets for Emission Permits with Free Endowment: a Vintage Capital Analysis. Research Report 2010-03, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Optimal Control Applications and Methods,, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 33(2)214-231]

T. Bréchet, C. Camacho, V.M. Veliov: Model predictive control, the economy, and the issue of global warming. Research Report 2010-04, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Annals of Operations Research,, opens an external URL in a new window 2014, 220(1):25-48]

V. M. VeliovThe Role of Information Pattern in Approximationof Control Systems. Research Report 2010-05, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010

I. Zeiler, J.P. Caulkins, G. TraglerOptimal Control of Interacting Systems with DNSS Property: The Case of Illicit Drug Use. Research Report 2010-06, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,, opens an external URL in a new window 2011, 78:60-73]

I. Zeiler, J.P. Caulkins, G. TraglerWhen Two Become One: Optimal Control of Interacting Drug Epidemics. Research Report 2010-07, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010

S. Wrzaczek: Social Optimality in the Constructed-Capital Model. Research Report 2010-08, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published  in Central European Journal of Operations Research,, opens an external URL in a new window 2014, 22(1)211-232,  DOI 10.1007/s10100-013-0285-8]

A. Prskawetz, T. Tsachev, V.M. VeliovOptimal education in an age-structured model under changing labor demand and supply. Research Report 2010-09, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Macroeconomic Dynamics, opens an external URL in a new window 2012, 1(2)159-183]

M. I. Krastanov and V.M. VeliovHigh-order approximations to nonholonomicaffine control systems. Research Report 2010-10, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Large-Scale Scientific Computations,, opens an external URL in a new window Springer 2010, (invited), ISBN: 3-642-12534-4, pp 294-301]

T. Huschto, G. Feichtinger, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, S. Sager, A. SeidlNumerical Solution of a Conspicuous Consumption Model with Constant Control Delay. Research Report 2010-11, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in  Automatica,, opens an external URL in a new window 2011, 47(9)1868-1877]

A. Belyakov, T. Tsachev, V.M. VeliovOptimal Control of Heterogeneous Systems with Endogenous Domain of Heterogeneity. Research Report 2010-12, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Applied Mathematics and Optimization,, opens an external URL in a new window 2011, 64:287-311]

V.M. VeliovOn the Relationship Between Continuous- and Discrete-Time Control Systems. Research Report 2010-13, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Central European Journal of Operations Research, opens an external URL in a new window 2010, (invited), 18(4)511-523]

H. Dawid, E. Dockner, R.F. Hartl, J. Haunschmied, U. Leopold-Wildburger, M. Luptacik, A. Mehlmann, A. Prskawetz, M. Rauner, G. Sorger, G. Tragler, V.M. VeliovGustav Feichtinger Celebrates his 70-th Birthday. Research Report 2010-14, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Central European Journal of Operations Research,, opens an external URL in a new window 2010, 18(4)437-451]

E. Fortune-Devlaminckx,  J. L. Haunschmied: Diversity of Firm’s Life Cycle Adapted from the Firm’s Technology Investment Decision. Research Report 2010-15, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Central European Journal of Operations Research, opens an external URL in a new window, 2010, 18:477-489]

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, R.F. Hartl, P.M. Kort, A. Seidl: Skiba points in free end time problems: the option to sell the firm. Research Report 2010-16, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010 [published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, opens an external URL in a new window, 2015, 51:404-419]

J.P. Caulkins, G. Feichtinger, D. Grass, G. Tragler: Optimizing counter-terror operations. Research Report 2010-17, ORCOS, TU Wien, 2010