Please note that the issuance of a credit or exchange notice can take 4-6 weeks! Therefore, please apply for a credit RIGHT IN TIME before the desired graduation date!

In the interest of the students (consider the case of necessary changes!) the Announcement of a doctoral thesis, opens an external URL in a new window (including a short description of the planned work) has to be made at the beginning of the doctoral studies. Similarly, the individual study plan (list of courses proposed for completion) must be submitted as early as possible. The approval of the reviewers must be obtained 2 months before the submission of the dissertation. For this purpose, please use the Application for the Doctoral Examination.

On the submission date for the Rigorosum, the submission of the peer-reviewed hard-bound dissertations as well as the required documents (as can be seen from the leaflet of the Dean's Office) must also be made.

According to §23 para. 6 of the statutes "Study Law Regulations", a short description of the problem and goals of the dissertation must be submitted to the study law body (Dean of Academics Affairs) when the topic and supervisor of the dissertation are announced. 

Directives for the processing of dissertations in the Faculty of Geoinformation (PDF), opens in new window

Directives for the processing of dissertations in the Faculty of Geoinformation (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window - valid from 01.10.2023

Directives for the processing of dissertations in the Faculty of Mathematics (PDF), opens in new window

The following forms and documents have to be submitted at the dean's office:

The graduation documents (awarding of the academic degree) can be picked up at the Dean's Office at the earliest 4 weeks after taking the Rigorosum.

Academic year 2023/2024

Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window

Academic year 2024/2025

Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window