Non-refereed Publications:

  • Bura, E., Peña, D., Li, L., Nachtsheim, C., Setodji, C., Weiss, R.E., Li, B. (2021). A Conversation with Dennis Cook. Statistical Science, 36(2), 328-337. 
  • Bura, E. (2018). Sufficient Reductions of Predictors in the Exponential and Elliptically Contoured Distribution Families. International Mathematical News, 237, 17–25.
  • Gastwirth, J. L., Miao, W. and Bura, E. (2012). Did the Supreme Court Appreciate the Statistical Evidence Pertaining to “Commonality” in Dukes v. Wal-Mart? Res Publica: Law and Social Policy Blog and Forum, Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy.
  • Bura, E. and Gastwirth, J. L. (2010). Regression Analysis and Strengthening the SEC’s Efforts to Regulate Mutual Funds. Banking Financial Services Policy Report, 29 (6),18-26.