Mag.a rer.nat. rer.nat. Gabriela Schranz-Kirlinger

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A collage showing some famous female mathematicians

Numerical analysis, numerics of differential equations, biomathematics

Referee (BIT, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis andApplications, ...)

Mathematical Reviews

Reviewer Dr.Maria Schaumayer Foundation

Book Review Mathematical Semester Reports


Lecture in the lecture hall

Mathematics I and II for Geodesy and Geoinformation

Differential Equations I

Seminar with bachelor thesis (differential equations)

NEW in WS 2023 / 2024 AKANW VO Biomathematics


 Statistics on men and women

Main member of the Working Group for Equal Treatment Issues (since 1991)

Substitute member of the works council for academic and artistic staff

University entrance qualification examination: Mathematics consultant and examiner

Teacher training study commission

Chair of the ÖMG Pupils' Prize jury

Scholarships for short-term academic stays abroad / selection promotion of conference participation

Together with Sandra Müller, founder of Fem*MA, Network Women in Mathematics at TU Wien


Short CV

1984 - 1987

Degree and doctorate in mathematics, teacher training in mathematics/physics, University of Vienna


seit 4/1988

Institut für Analysis und Scientific Computing


Maternity leave

1995 / 1996

Maternity leave


Habilitation in numerical mathematics

2009 / 2010

Geo Education Award for special achievements in teaching and training in the field of geodesy and geoinformation studies


Best Teacher Finalist of the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation