- 17 PhD students since 2005, where 5 are meanwhile professors
- 16 supervised BSc theses
- 20 supervised MSc theses
- Prof. Dr. Giovanni Di Fratta (postdoc 2017-2021)
now: Assistant Professor (tenure track) at University of Naples/Italy - Prof. Dr. Christoph Erath (MSc student 2005)
now: Professor at PH Voralberg, Feldkirch/Austria
Christoph Erath was my first diploma student. His diploma thesis was awarded with the ÖMG Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society for the best diploma thesis in Mathematics in Austria in 2005. - Prof. Dr. Michael Feischl (BSc/MSc/PhD student 2010-2015)
now: Professor of Computational PDEs at TU Wien (before that: Associate Professor at University of Bonn/Germany) - Prof. Dr. Thomas Führer (MSc/PhD student 2010-2014, postdoc 2017)
now: Associate Professor at PUC Santiago/Chile - Prof. Dr. Gregor Gantner (MSc/PhD student 2014-2017, postdoc 2018-2019)
now: Associate Professor (W2) at University of Bonn/Germany
Gregor Gantner's PhD thesis was awarded with the Dr. Klaus Körper Award of GAMM for excellent dissertations in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in 2018 and with the ÖMG Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society for the best PhD thesis in Mathematics in Austria in 2018. Moreover, he has been granted the Promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae in 2018. - Dr. Michael Innerberger (MSc/PhD student 2017-2022)
now: Scientific Computing Software Engineer (permanent) at HHMI Janelia Research Campus, USA
Michael has been granted the Promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae. - Prof. Dr. Michael Karkulik (PhD student 2009-2012)
now: Assistant Professor (tenure track) at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso/Chile
Michael Karkulik's PhD thesis was awarded with the Dr. Klaus Körper Award of GAMM for excellent dissertations in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in 2013. - Dr. Carl-Martin Pfeiler (BSc/MSc/PhD student 2015-2022)
now: Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, München/Germany - Prof. Dr. Michele Ruggeri (PhD student 2013-2016, postdoc 2016-2017, postdoc 2019-2021)
now: Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the University of Bologna/Italy
Supervised theses
Maximilian Lackner: Py1AFEM: eine Implementierung adaptiver FEM in Python (Supervisors: M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2023. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Jakob Berner: Adaptive Finite Elemente Methode für endliche viele Zielfunktionale (Supervisors: M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2023. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Iris Feldhammer: Conforming bisection of simplicial triangulations in 3D (Supervisors: M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2022. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Samuel Keller: Numerisches Lösen der Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Gleichung für dünne Schichten (Supervisors: D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2022. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Valentin Helml: Ein elementarer Beweis für Konvergenz adaptiver FEM (Supervisors: M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2021. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Felix Blödorn: Adaptive isogeometrische Finite-Elemente-Methode mit T-Splines (Supervisors: G. Gantner, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2020. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Sebastian Ertel: A virtual element method of arbitrary regularity (Supervisors: D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2019. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Daniel Haberlik: Adaptive isogeometrische Finite Elemente Methode mit hierarchischen Splines (Supervisors: G. Gantner, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2016. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Juliana Kainz: Stabile Implementierung von HILBERT S2P1 (Supervisors: T. Führer, G. Gantner, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2015. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Carl-Martin Pfeiler: Stabilität der L2-Orthogonalprojektion im Sobolev-Raum H1 und in lokal gewichteten L2-Räumen (Supervisors: M. Karkulik, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2015. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Peter Schaefer: Stabile Implementierung der Randelementmethode auf anisotrop verfeinerten Gittern (Supervisors: M. Feischl, M. Karkulik, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2013. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Josef Kemetmüller: Vektorisierte Implementierung von P1-FEM in 3D (Supervisors: M. Page, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2012. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michael Ebner: A-posteriori Fehlerschätzung für die Symm'sche Integralgleichung (Supervisors: M. Aurada, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2012. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
David Pavlicek: Optimalität adaptiver FEM (Supervisors: M. Aurada, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2011. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Markus Mayr: Stabile Implementierung der Randelementmethode auf stark adaptierten Netzen (Supervisors: S. Ferraz-Leite, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2010. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michael Feischl: Different Strategies for the Adaptive FEM-BEM Coupling (Supervisors: M. Aurada, D. Praetorius), Bachelor thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2010. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Paula Hilbert: Geometric multigrid method with hp-robust contraction (Supervisors: A. Miraçi, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2025, Examination: 14.01.2025. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Juliana Kainz: Isogeometrische Randelementmethode für die Lamé-Gleichung (Supervisors: G. Gantner, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2019, Examination: 20.11.2019. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michael Innerberger: Zur Instanzoptimalität adaptiver 2D FEM (Supervisors: A. Haberl, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2018, Examination: 18.10.2018. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Carl-Martin Pfeiler: Lineare IMEX-Integration zweiter Ordnung für die nichtlineare Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Gleichung (Supervisors: D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri, B. Stiftner), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2018, Examination: 24.01.2018. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Florian Slanovc: Adaptive FEM für Probleme mit inhomogenen Dirichlet-Daten (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2017, Examination: 21.06.2017. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Stefan Schimanko: Adaptive isogeometric boundary element method for the hyper-singular integral equation (Supervisors: G. Gantner, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2016, Examination: 25.11.2016.
Alexander Haberl: Instanz-Optimalität adaptiver FEM (Supervisors: M. Feischl, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2015, Examination: 15.01.2015. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Gregor Mitscha-Eibl: Adaptive BEM und FEM-BEM-Kopplung für die Lamé-Gleichung (Supervisors: T. Führer, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2014, Examination: 16.10.2014. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Gregor Gantner: Adaptive isogeometric BEM (Supervisors: M. Feischl, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2014, Examination: 11.06.2014. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Josef Kemetmüller: Numerische Integration der Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert-Gleichung (Supervisors: M. Page, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2014, Examination: 08.05.2014. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
David Pavlicek: Simulation des Zellwachstums in einem Bioreaktor (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2013, Examination: 03.09.2013. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Markus Mayr: MILLG - Ein Löser für die Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Gleichung (Supervisors: M. Page, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2013, Examination: 17.01.2013.
Michael Feischl: Optimality of adaptive 2D boundary element method (Supervisors: M. Karkulik, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2012, Examination: 22.03.2012. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Thomas Führer: Numerische Berechnung des magnetischen Streufelds (Supervisors: P. Goldenits, D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2010, Examination: 12.10.2010. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Marcus Page: Schätzerreduktion und Konvergenz adaptiver FEM für Hindernisprobleme (Supervisors: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2010, Examination: 20.05.2010. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Claudia Satke: A Numerical Solver for the Multivariate Black-Scholes Problem Using the Multigrid Method (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2009, Examination: 16.06.2009. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Petra Goldenits: Analyse adaptiver Netzverfeinerungsstrategien für eine hypersinguläre Integralgleichung in 2D (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2009, Examination: 28.01.2009. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Isabella Roth: Zuverlässige a posteriori Fehlerschätzung für datengestörte Randelementmethoden in 2D (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2009, Examination: 08.01.2009. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Philipp Wissgott: A Space-Time Adaptive Algorithm for Linear Parabolic Problems (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2007. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Samuel Ferraz-Leite: A Posteriori Fehlerschätzer für die Symmsche Integralgleichung in 3D (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2007. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Christoph Erath: Adaptive Finite Volumen Methode (Supervisor: D. Praetorius), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2005. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Julian Streitberger: Optimal complexity of standard and goal-oriented adaptive FEM for general second-order linear elliptic PDEs (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: E. Georgoulis, C. Kreuzer), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2024, Examination: 20.06.2024. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Maximilian Brunner: On optimal adaptivity for semilinear PDEs (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: R. Becker, T. Wihler), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2024, Examination: 23.04.2024. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michael Innerberger: Reliable goal-oriented adaptive FEM (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: R. Becker, R. Stevenson), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2022, Examination: 27.04.2022. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Carl-Martin Pfeiler: Numerical analysis and efficient simulation of micromagnetic phenomena (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: S. Bartels, N. Mauser), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2022, Examination: 17.03.2022. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Stefan Schimanko: On optimality of adaptive FEM and BEM (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: S. Funken, M. Vohralik), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2021, Examination: 23.06.2021. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Bernhard Stiftner: Second-order in time numerical integration of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: J. Kraus, A. Prohl), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2018, Examination: 21.06.2018. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Alexander Haberl: On adaptive FEM and BEM for indefinite and nonlinear problems (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: A. Bespalov, T. Betcke), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2018, Examination: 24.04.2018 [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Gregor Gantner: Optimal adaptivity for splines in finite and boundary element methods (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: H. Harbrecht, D. Peterseim), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2017, Examination: 30.11.2017. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michele Ruggeri: Coupling and numerical integration of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewers: S. Bartels, A. Jüngel), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2016, Examination: 22.11.2016. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michael Feischl: Rate optimality of adaptive algorithms (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewer: C. Carstensen), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2015, Examination: 24.04.2015. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Thomas Führer: Zur Kopplung von finiten Elementen und Randelementen, (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewer: E. Stephan), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2014, Examination: 26.06.2014. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Marcus Page: On dynamical micromagnetism, (Supervisors: D. Praetorius, L. Banas), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2013, Examination: 18.10.2013. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Michael Karkulik: Zur Konvergenz und Quasioptimalität adaptiver Randelementmethoden (Supervisor: D. Praetorius, J.M. Melenk; Reviewer: S. Sauter), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2012, Examination: 29.10.2012. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Petra Goldenits: Konvergente numerische Integration der Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Gleichung (Supervisor: D. Praetorius; Reviewer: D. Süss), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2012, Examination: 15.06.2012. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Markus Aurada: Mixed conforming elements for the large-body limit in micromagnetics (Supervisors: J.M. Melenk, D. Praetorius; Reviewer: C. Carstensen), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2011, Examination: 21.10.2011.
Samuel Ferraz-Leite: Quadratic minimization with non-local operators and non-linear constraints (Supervisors: J.M. Melenk, D. Praetorius; Reviewer: S. Bartels), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2011, Examination: 18.02.2011. [PDF], opens a file in a new window
Jelena Bojanic: Numerical Analysis of the 1D Satellite Beam Equation (Supervisors: C. Carstensen, D. Praetorius), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2005. [PDF], opens a file in a new window