Projektass.(FWF) Dott. mag. Michele Alde

Project Assistant (FWF), Research Group for Numerics of PDEs

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Research and teaching


Whiteboard with mathematical research

© Julian Streitberger

Publications, preprints, and talks

Research fields: Numerics of PDEs, Computational micromagnetism, Numerics and theory of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation


Snapshot of a blackboard with mathematical formula

© Julian Streitberger


Short Curriculum vitae

since 10/2023

PhD student (Univ. Ass.) at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing supervised by Prof. Dirk Praetorius, opens an external URL in a new window


Research as "Ingegneur d'études" at "La Rochelle Université", France.


Master of Science (Msc.) in Mathematics at "Università degli Studi di Milano", Italy.

(from January 2021 to June 2021 at "Institut de Mathématiques - Université de Bordeaux", France)


Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Mathematics at "Università degli Studi di Milano", Italy.


born in Lecco, Italy