Publications and Preprints

  1. N. Bou-Rabee, K.Schuh: "Convergence of unadjusted Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for mean-field models." Electron. J. Probab. 28 1 - 40, 2023., [arXiv:2009.08735]
  2. A. Durmus, A. Eberle, A. Guillin, K. Schuh: "Sticky nonlinear SDEs and convergence of McKean–Vlasov equations without confinement". Stoch PDE: Anal Comp (2023)., [arXiv:2201.07652]
  3. K. Schuh: "Global contractivity for Langevin dynamics with McKearn-Vlasov forces and uniform in time propagation of chaos", Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 60 (2) 753 - 789, May 2024. , [arXiv:2206.03082]



       K. Schuh: Convergence of McKean-Vlasov processes and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for mean-field models, PhD thesis, opens an external URL in a new window, 2022


  1. N. Bou-Rabee, K. Schuh: Nonlinear HMC & its Particle Approximation, preprint, arXiv:2308:11491, 2023
  2. A. Jüngel, K. Schuh: Long-time behavior for discretization schemes of Fokker-Planck equations via couplings, arXiv:2403.10111, 2024
  3. K.Schuh, P. A. Whalley: Convergence of kinetic Langevin samplers for non-convex potentials, arXiv:2405.09992, 2024