Current research fields
- Entropy-based EEG analysis
- Whole-brain models
- Functional connectivity analysis
- Consciousness stage classification
- PKPD models for target-controlled infusion systems
More detailed information can be found at the research website of Andreas Körner.
Publications and talks
| Entropy of difference works similarly to permutation entropy for the assessment of anesthesia and sleep EEG despite the lower computational effort at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., Ettel, D., Schneider, G., Körner, A., & Kreuzer, M. (2024). Entropy of difference works similarly to permutation entropy for the assessment of anesthesia and sleep EEG despite the lower computational effort. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing., opens an external URL in a new window
| EEG-Based Whole-Brain Models at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A. (2024, November 7). EEG-Based Whole-Brain Models. Young Scientist Symposium 2024, Klosterneuburg, Austria.
| The Filtering Effect on Simulated Signals under Consideration of Entropy Methods at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., & Körner, A. (2024). The Filtering Effect on Simulated Signals under Consideration of Entropy Methods. In O. Rose & T. Uhlig (Eds.), ASIM SST 2024: Tagungsband Kurzbeiträge (pp. 29–31). ARGESIM Verlag.
| Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in Sleep at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., Feldhammer, I., Fenzl, T., Körner, A., & Kreuzer, M. (2024). Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in Sleep. In M. Mujica Mota & P. Scala (Eds.), Simulation for a Sustainable Future (pp. 205–218). Springer., opens an external URL in a new window
| Model-Based Approaches for Classification of Levels of Consciousness at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., & Körner, A. (2023, October 7). Model-Based Approaches for Classification of Levels of Consciousness. 5. Forschungssymposium der Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, München, TranslaTUM Klinikum rechts der Isar, Germany.
| Performance Analysis of Permutation Entropy and Entropy of Difference applied to EEG Data at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEttel, D., Edthofer, A., & Körner, A. (2023, October 7). Performance Analysis of Permutation Entropy and Entropy of Difference applied to EEG Data. 5. Forschungssymposium der Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, München, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM, Germany.
| An in-depth analysis of parameter settings and probability distributions of specific ordinal patterns in the Shannon permutation entropy during different states of consciousness in humans at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowFranka, M., Edthofer, A., Körner, A., Widmann, S., Fenzl, T., Schneider, G., & Kreuzer, M. (2023). An in-depth analysis of parameter settings and probability distributions of specific ordinal patterns in the Shannon permutation entropy during different states of consciousness in humans. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing., opens an external URL in a new window
| Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in Sleep at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., Feldhammer, I., Fenzl, T., Körner, A., & Kreuzer, M. (2023). Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in Sleep. In EUROSIM 2023 Abstract Volume, 11th EUROSIM Congress (pp. 18–18).
| Technology-supported Teaching of Modeling and Simulation in Inverted Classroom Format at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., Feldhammer, I., Hasil, S., Horvath, C., Körner, A., Međo, L., Modiz, C., & Reisz, P. (2023). Technology-supported Teaching of Modeling and Simulation in Inverted Classroom Format. In M. Mujica Mota, A. A. Mendoza, & P. L. Scala (Eds.), Abstract Volume: Congress EUROSIM 2023: Simulation for a Sustainable Future (pp. 82–82).
| Heuristische Untersuchung von Online-Prüfungen an der TU Wien at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowModiz, C., Edthofer, A., & Körner, A. (2021). Heuristische Untersuchung von Online-Prüfungen an der TU Wien. In X. Liu-Henke & U. Durak (Eds.), Tagungsband ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS/EDU 2021 (pp. 179–183). ARGESIM Report AR45.
| Train schedule analysis and optimization with the Max-Plus Automaton at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., Bicher, M., & Breitenecker, F. (2020). Train schedule analysis and optimization with the Max-Plus Automaton. In M. Affenzeller, A. Bruzzone, F. Longo, & A. Petrillo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020). Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, EMSS., opens an external URL in a new window
| "Performance Evaluation of Timed Events in Railways" in Österreich at reposiTUm , opens an external URL in a new windowEdthofer, A., Bicher, M., & Breitenecker, F. (2020). “Performance Evaluation of Timed Events in Railways” in Österreich. In C. Deatcu, D. Lückerath, O. Ullrich, & U. Durak (Eds.), Proceedings ASIM SST 2020. ARGESIM / ASIM., opens an external URL in a new window