Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.Michael FeischlBSc

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My research focuses on three main areas

  • Partial differential equations with random coefficients, fast random field generation, and machine learning
  • Computational micromagnetism as well as numerics and theory of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
  • Optimal adaptive mesh refinement and a posteriori error estimators

ERC-Consolidator Project: "New Frontiers in Optimal Adaptivity


Lecturenotes to all of my courses can be found under

https://michaelfeischl.github.io/lecturenotes/, opens an external URL in a new window


  1. Feischl, M.: Rieder, A.; Zehetgruber, F., Towards optimal hierarchical training of neural networks, In arXiv E-print, 2024
  2. Feischl, M.; Lasser, C.; Lubich, C.; Nick, J. Regularized dynamical parametric approximation, In arXiv E-print, 2024
  3. Bringmann, P; Feischl, M.; Miraci, A.; Praetorius, D.; Streitberger, J. On full linear convergence and optimal complexity of adaptive FEM with inexact solver, In arXiv E-print, 2024
  4. Bohn, J.; Dörfler, W.; Feischl, M. and Karch, S. Adaptive mesh refinement for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. In arXiv E-print, 2023.
  5. An, X.; Dick, J.; Feischl, M.; Scaglioni, A. and Tran, T. Sparse grid approximation of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. accepted in SIAM JUQ, arXiv E-print, 2023.
  6. Feischl, M. and Hackl, H. Adaptive Image Compression via Optimal Mesh Refinement. In arXiv E-print, 2023.
  7. Bohn, J.; Feischl, M. and Kovács, B. FEM-BEM Coupling for the Maxwell–Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equations via Convolution Quadrature: Weak Form and Numerical Approximation. In Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2022. doi 
  8. Feischl, M. Inf-sup stability implies quasi-orthogonality. In Math. Comp., 91 (337): 2059-2094, 2022. doi 
  9. Doppler, C.; Feischl, M.; Ganhör, C.; Puh, S.; Müller, M.; Kotnik, M.; Mimler, T.; Sonnleitner, M.; Bernhard, D. and Wechselberger, C. Low-entry-barrier point-of-care testing of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG in the population of Upper Austria from December 2020 until April 2021 - a feasible surveillance strategy for post-pandemic monitoring?. In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2022.
  10. Feischl, M. and Scaglioni, A. Convergence of adaptive stochastic collocation with finite elements. In Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 98: 139-156, 2021. doi 
  11. Akrivis, G.; Feischl, M.; Kovács, B. and Lubich, C. Higher-order linearly implicit full discretization of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. In Math. Comp., 90 (329): 995-1038, 2021. doi 
  12. Bohn, J. and Feischl, M. Recurrent neural networks as optimal mesh refinement strategies. In Comput. Math. Appl., 97: 61-76, 2021. doi 
  13. Dick, J. and Feischl, M. A quasi-Monte Carlo data compression algorithm for machine learning. In Journal of Complexity: 101587, 2021. doi 
  14. Feischl, M. and Schwab, Ch. Exponential convergence in H1 of hp-FEM for Gevrey regularity with isotropic singularities. In Numer. Math., 144 (2): 323-346, 2020. doi 
  15. Feischl, M. and Peterseim, D. Sparse compression of expected solution operators. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 58 (6): 3144-3164, 2020. doi 
  16. Feischl, M. Optimality of a standard adaptive finite element method for the Stokes problem. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 57 (3): 1124-1157, 2019. doi 
  17. Dick, J.; Feischl, M. and Schwab, C. Improved efficiency of a multi-index FEM for computational uncertainty quantification. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 57 (4): 1744-1769, 2019. doi 
  18. Feischl, M.; Kuo, F. Y. and Sloan, I. H. Fast random field generation with H-matrices. In Numer. Math., 140 (3): 639-676, 2018. doi 
  19. Feischl, M. Optimal adaptivity for non-symmetric FEM/BEM coupling. Preprint: arXiv:1710.06082, 2017.
  20. Feischl, M; Gantner, G; Haberl, A and Praetorius, D Optimal convergence for adaptive IGA boundary element methods for weakly-singular integral equations. In Numer. Math., 136: 147-182, 2017.
  21. Aurada, M; Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M; Melenk, J. M and Praetorius, D Local inverse estimates for non-local boundary integral operators. In Math. Comp., 86 (308): 2651-2686, 2017.
  22. Feischl, M and Tran, T The Eddy Current--LLG Equations: FEM-BEM Coupling and A Priori Error Estimates. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 55 (4): 1786-1819, 2017.
  23. Feischl, M and Tran, T Existence of arbitrarily regular solutions of the LLG equation in 3D with natural boundary conditions. In SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49 (6): 4470-4490, 2017.
  24. Feischl, M; Gantner, G; Haberl, A and Praetorius, D Adaptive 2D IGA boundary element methods. In Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 62: 141-153, 2016.
  25. Feischl, M; Praetorius, D and Van der Zee, K An abstract analysis of optimal goal-oriented adaptivity. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 54: 1423-1448, 2016.
  26. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Niederer, M; Strommer, S; Steinboeck, A and Praetorius, D Efficient numerical computation of direct exchange areas in thermal radiation analysis. In Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 69 (6): 511-533, 2016.
  27. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Praetorius, D and Stephan, E. P Optimal additive Schwarz preconditioning for hypersingular integral equations on locally refined triangulations. In Calcolo, 2016. doi 
  28. Aurada, M; Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M and Praetorius, D Energy norm based error estimators for adaptive BEM for hypersingular integral equations. In Appl. Numer. Math., 95: 15-35, 2015.
  29. Feischl, M; Gantner, G; Haberl, A; Praetorius, D and Führer, T Adaptive boundary element methods for optimal convergence of point errors. In Numer. Math., 2015.
  30. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Praetorius, D and Stephan, E. P Optimal preconditioning for the symmetric and nonsymmetric coupling of adaptive finite elements and boundary elements. In Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 2015.
  31. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M; Melenk, J. M and Praetorius, D Quasi-optimal convergence rates for adaptive boundary element methods with data approximation. Part II: Hyper-singular integral equation. In Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 44: 153-176, 2015.
  32. Feischl, M; Gantner, G and Praetorius, D Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimation for adaptive IGA boundary element methods for weakly-singular integral equations. In Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 290: 362-386, 2015.
  33. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M and Praetorius, D Stability of symmetric and nonsymmetric FEM-BEM couplings for nonlinear elasticity problems. In Numer. Math., 130: 199-223, 2015.
  34. Bruckner, F; Süss, D; Feischl, M; Führer, T; Goldenits, P; Page, M; Praetorius, D and Ruggeri, M Multiscale modeling in micromagnetics: Existence of solutions and numerical integration. In Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 24: 2627-2662, 2014.
  35. Carstensen, C; Feischl, M; Page, M and Praetorius, D Axioms of adaptivity. In Comput. Math. Appl., 67: 1195-1253, 2014.
  36. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Heuer, N; Karkulik, M and Praetorius, D Adaptive Boundary Element Methods: A Posteriori Error Estimators, Adaptivity, Convergence, and Implementation. In Arch. Comput. Methods Eng., 22: 309-389, 2014.
  37. Feischl, M; Führer, T and Praetorius, D Adaptive FEM with optimal convergence rates for a certain class of nonsymmetric and possibly nonlinear problems. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 52: 601-625, 2014.
  38. Feischl, M; Page, M and Praetorius, D Convergence and quasi-optimality of adaptive FEM with inhomogeneous Dirichlet data. In J. Comput. Appl. Math., 255: 481-501, 2014.
  39. Feischl, M; Page, M and Praetorius, D Convergence of adaptive FEM for some elliptic obstacle problem with inhomogeneous Dirichlet data. In Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model., 11: 230-254, 2014.
  40. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Mitscha-Eibl, G; Praetorius, D and Stephan, E. P Convergence of adaptive BEM and adaptive FEM-BEM coupling for estimators without h-weighting factor. In Comput. Methods Appl. Math., 14: 485-508, 2014.
  41. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M and Praetorius, D ZZ-Type a posteriori error estimators for adaptive boundary element methods on a curve. In Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 38: 49-60, 2014.
  42. Aurada, M; Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M; Melenk, J.M and Praetorius, D Classical FEM-BEM coupling methods: Nonlinearities, well-posedness, and adaptivity. In Comput. Mech., 51 (4): 399-419, 2013.
  43. Aurada, M; Feischl, M; Kemetmüller, J; Page, M and Praetorius, D Each H1/2-stable projection yields convergence and quasi-optimality of adaptive FEM with inhomogeneous Dirichlet data in Rd In ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 47: 1207-1235, 2013.
  44. Aurada, M; Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M and Praetorius, D Efficiency and optimality of some weighted-residual error estimator for adaptive 2D boundary element methods. In Comput. Methods Appl. Math., 13: 305-332, 2013.
  45. Aurada, M; Ebner, M; Feischl, M; Ferraz-Leite, S; Führer, T; Goldenits, P; Karkulik, M; Mayr, M and Praetorius, D HILBERT - a MATLAB implementation of adaptive 2D-BEM. In Numer. Algorithms, 2013.
  46. Bruckner, F; Vogler, C; Bergmair, B; Huber, T; Fuger, M; Süss, D; Feischl, M; Führer, T; Page, M and Praetorius, D Combining micromagnetism and magnetostatic Maxwell equations for multiscale magnetic simulations. In J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 343: 163-168, 2013.
  47. Feischl, M; Führer, T; Karkulik, M; Melenk, J. M and Praetorius, D Quasi-optimal convergence rates for adaptive boundary element methods with data approximation, Part I: weakly-singular integral equation. In Calcolo: 1-32, 2013.
  48. Feischl, M; Karkulik, M; Melenk, J. M and Praetorius, D Quasi-optimal convergence rate for an adaptive boundary element method. In SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 51: 1327-1348, 2013.
  49. Aurada, M; Feischl, M; Karkulik, M and Praetorius, D A posteriori error estimates for the Johnson-N\'ed\'elec FEM-BEM coupling. In Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem., 36: 255-266, 2012.
  50. Aurada, M; Feischl, M and Praetorius, D Convergence of some adaptive FEM-BEM coupling for elliptic but possibly nonlinear interface problems. In ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 46: 1147-1173, 2012.
  51. Bruckner, F; Vogler, C; Feischl, M; Praetorius, D; Bergmair, B; Huber, T; Fuger, M and Süss, D 3D FEM-BEM-coupling method to solve magnetostatic Maxwell equations. In J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 324: 1862-1866, 2012.

Short CV

since 2022

Professor for Computational PDEs at TU Wien


Associate Professor at TU Wien


Professor (W2) at the University of Bonn


Junior Research Group Leader at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Postdoc at UNSW (Sydney)


PhD in mathematics at TU Wien