In the millennium year 2000, the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Belarus reached a decision to start a new international scientific journal. The main motivation was to strengthen international cooperation between East and West in the field of numerical analysis. A prominent figure in computational mathematics and mathematical physics, the Russian academician Alexander Samarskii, agreed to head the new project; and a little later, the famous Swedish numerical analyst Vidar Thomée also lent his support to the young journal. Belarusian businessman Alex Yakoubenia was instrumental in funding the new project.

At that time it was very challenging to establish a new journal; but nevertheless the new scientific journal, named Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM), began to appear in 2001. Alexander Samarskii and Vidar Thomée helped to create a prestigious Editorial Board that consisted of well-known numerical analysts from all over the world, as well as promoted establishing a high scientific standard of the journal. Managing Editor, Piotr Matus, took an active part in the formation of the journal, and thanks to his energy and insistence the journal survived in the first complicated years of its existence. The permanent executive secretary, Almas Sherbaf, also put a lot of efforts on the development of the journal. The title of the journal was suggested by Professor Pieter Hemker who later with Professor Raytcho Lazarov had invested a lot of enthusiasm into the establishment and development of the journal. From 2002 to 2009, Pieter Hemker was an Editor-in-Chief of the CMAM journal; he made many great contributions to the journal development and helped a lot in its moving forward.

In 2010, Professor Carsten Carstensen became an Editor-in-Chief of the journal CMAM. Due to his energetic activities and high scientific reputation, CMAM has now established itself as a reputable journal and been accepted by Thomson Reuters for inclusion in the Web of Science database, starting with volume 15. Nowadays CMAM has become a high-quality journal with a short reviewing time and almost no space restrictions.

The highly selective international mathematical journal CMAM considers original mathematical contributions to computational methods and numerical analysis with applications mainly related to PDEs. Theoretical contributions, numerical algorithms and computer simulations are all within the scope of the journal.

Cover of the Journal "Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics"

CMAM has the following journal-level metrics:
IMPACT FACTOR 2018: 1.218
5-year IMPACT FACTOR: 1.411
CiteScore 2018: 1.42
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2018: 0.947
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2018: 0.939
Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ) 2018: 1.22
CMAM is ranked 94 out of 255 in applied mathematics.

In 2003, the CMAM Editorial Board decided to hold biennial international conferences entitled Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics under the aegis of the journal. The scope of these conferences coincides with the scope of the journal described above. Another goal of these CMAM forums is to establish new contacts and to improve existing ones between numerical analysts from West and East. This cooperation between West and East is an evidence of the increasing popularity of the CMAM conferences which are becoming leading international forums on numerical analysis. The Editors also regard CMAM conferences as a possibility for the editorial board members to meet and to discuss current journal problems.

The previous meetings were held in Minsk, Belarus (2003); Trakai, Lithuania (2005); Minsk, Belarus (2007); Bedlewo, Poland (2010); Berlin, Germany (2012); Strobl, Austria (2014); Jyväskylä, Finland (2016); Minsk, Belarus (2018); Vienna, Austria (2022); Bonn, Germany (2024). At the CMAM-3 conference in Minsk, Professor Vidar Thomée was named Honorary Editor of CMAM in recognition of his strong influence, committed involvement, and his pioneering efforts in starting the journal.

The current structure of the CMAM Editorial Board is as follows: Editor-in-Chief Carsten Carstensen, Senior Editors Ulrich Langer, Sergey Repin, and Petr Vabishchevich, with Piotr Matus as the Managing Editor and Almas Sherbaf as the Executive secretary, and 21 Associate Editors.

CMAM is a De Gruyter journal. Older papers can be downloaded online and new issues of the journal are distributed by De Gruyter, opens an external URL in a new window.