
The image shows part of a mathematical defintion including mathematical formulas. The text is slightly tilted upwards.

© Markus Wess

research topics, publications


[Translate to English:] asd

© Markus Faustmann

lectures, supervised thesis

Short CV

since 06/2022

Post-Doc, Institut of Analysis und Scientific Computing, TU Wien

2020 - 2022

Post-Doc at ENSTA Paris, POEMS

INRIA Research Project Analysis of Time Domain Perfectly Matched Layers for Electromagnetic Waves in Metamaterials

2014 - 2020

PhD studies, TU Wien

Dissertation 2020: Frequency-Dependent Complex-Scaled Infinite Elements for Exterior Helmholtz Resonance Problems, under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Lothar Nannen

2008 - 2011

Bachelor programme Jazz Trumpet, Konservatorium Wien

2007 - 2014

Bachelor and Masters programme Technical Mathematics, TU Wien

Thesis: A Characterization of Univalent Functions on the Unit Disc by Indefinite Inner Product Spaces, under supervision of Prof. Michael Kaltenbäck