Partial differential equations play an central role for modeling processes from engineering and science. The finite element method is an important method to solve such equations by means of a computer.

Here we introduce a couple of typical equations. By clicking onto the picture you start a jupyter-lite notebook, which guides you through the solution process of the equation. It allows to modeify and experiment with the equation and numerical discretization method.

The notebooks use the open source finite element library Netgen/NGSolve, opens an external URL in a new window, which scientific core is developed at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing.


[Translate to English:] elastische Deformation

models the deformation of elastic bodies under external forces


[Translate to English:] die Krümmung einer Zylinderoberfläche, deren Kanten abgerundet wurden

Computation of curvature of surfaces

Maxwell Gleichungen

[Translate to English:] das von einer stromdurchflossenen Spule erzeugte magnetische FEld

Maxwell's equations model the interaction of electric and magnetic fields. In this example we compute the magnetic field of a current-carrying coil.