E-journals, printed journals and databases are purchased and licensed centrally for TU Wien by the library. Note that we cannot acquire electronic media that are only licensed for use by one person. We are also happy to organise trial access to new databases, if there are any you think might be of interest to TU Wien.

The library orders journals centrally. The e-journal is always ordered unless there is no suitable online version available. Inform us which journal you need, and we will check availability and costs. The journals budget is a fixed sum. There may therefore be cases where new journals can only be ordered if you cancel your subscription to another journal.

If the journal you want to subscribe is non-scientific, the library will check whether a subscription by the library is possible. This will depend on the asset class of the journal -  a distinction is made between academic (fixed assets) and non-academic (low-value assets) literature. If a journal is not classed as a fixed asset, you may need to take out the subscription with funding from your institute's global or third-party funding (low-value asset, product group 537). Only journals classed as fixed assets are included in the library catalogue, CatalogPlus.

We take care of the administration of your print journals, which are paid for from the institute's journals budget. Delivery is made directly to us, issue receipt is recorded and we claim any missing issues. We forward the issues to your designated contact person via internal mail.

Send your request to cancel any journal subscriptions as soon as possible; please note this should usually be at least 4 months prior to the subscription expiry date. Some titles are tied in with journal packages and we need to check in advance if it is even possible for a subscription to be cancelled.