TU Wien Bibliothek offers a varied course programme for students and (young) researchers, from citing sources correctly to open access publishing and metrics to dissemination strategies for scientific research results.

Course programme for students and (young) researchers

With topics ranging from targeted literature search to questions of correct citation and writing tips, the lecture on "Information Literacy: Literature Research, Citations, and Writing for Bachelor and Master Theses" (2 ECTS) is a solid preparation for writing your own scientific papers, from bachelor's theses to master's theses.

More information and registration in TISS:

040.003 Information Literacy: Literature Research, Citations, and Writing for Bachelor and Master Theses, opens an external URL in a new window

With topics ranging from targeted literature search to questions of correct citation and writing tips, the lecture on "Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing" (2 ECTS) is a solid preparation for writing your own scientific papers, from bachelor's theses to master's theses.

More information and registration in TISS:

040.002 Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (for Environmental Engineers and Geodesists), opens an external URL in a new window


A good publication and dissemination strategy is a key element to make the most of your scientific work. This course covers various aspects of the publication process, from the planning to the spreading of the research results, such as how to choose a suitable outlet for publication, how to implement standards for scientific publishing in practice, as well as ways to increase a researcher’s visibility through profiles in professional and academic networks. Participants learn to understand the implications of open science and open access for scientific practice.

More information in TISS:

040.004 Information Literacy: Publishing and Dissemination, opens an external URL in a new window

The seminar "040.007 Data Literacy: 3D Visualisation in Virtual Reality, opens an external URL in a new window" is aimed at students from all faculties and fields of study who want to learn how to visualise their research results, designs, analyses and simulations in 3D on the desktop, but also in virtual reality.

Another essential goal of the seminar is to promote interdisciplinary cooperation and to support scientific exchange beyond the boundaries of your own discipline. The seminar is offered in German, but supervision can also be provided in English if required.

The knowledge acquired should ideally supplement other courses and assist participants in working on seminar and master’s theses or dissertations. However, this is not a prerequisite for attending the course.

The VU 040.009 "Data Literacy: Principles of Data and Information Visualisation", opens an external URL in a new window is aimed at students from all faculties and fields of study who want to acquire basic knowledge and practical experience in the area of data visualisation, particularly for use in their own study work or thesis.

Following an overview of the history of visualisation and its different functions in scientific work, various visualisation methods for different scientific questions and types of data sets are presented. Basic properties of visual perception and their importance in creating effective visualisations are also discussed. Acquiring “Data Visualisation Literacy” will help in reading existing visualisations critically. An important part of the course is the demonstration of selected visualisation tools and practical exercises with the presented tools, which will then be employed in individual small-scale visualisation projects.

Our workshop programme around open science, scientific publishing, research assessment and academic profiles is open to all TU Wien researchers and doctoral candidates. Doctoral students without employment can register by email to the contact person named.

Research assessment

Contact: Andreas Pacher

Persistent Identifiers

Contact: Andreas Pacher

Open Access and CC licenses, open access funding

Contact: Katharina Heinz

  • 15-Minuten-Lunchtalk: Open-Access-Angebote der TU Wien Bibliothek *Deutsch*
  • 15-minute lunch talk: Publishing services at TU Wien Bibliothek *English*
  • Was bedeutet Open Access? - Ein Überblick *Deutsch*
  • What is Open Access? - An introduction *English*

Predatory Publishing

Contact: Leonhard Suchenwirth

  • The Good, the Bad and the Inbetween - Wahrnehmung und Wahrung wissenschaftlicher Qualität im Zeitalter des Predatory Publishing *Deutsch*

On-demand courses for lecturers

Our staff will offer 1-2 units on special topics within your lecture. This service is offered for orientation courses as well as for lectures on academic work.

On-demand workshops for institutes and research groups

These courses are specially tailored to the information requirements of your institute or research group. Publishers agreements, journal hosting or ORCID iD: TU Wien Bibliothek's workshops will focus on the topics most relevant to you.

  • Open access publishing – an overview. Current developments and support for researchers.

On demand | around 1 hour or by arrangement | Language German or English | TU Wien

This course unit will prepare you for successful and efficient open access publishing: a short overview of open access is followed by discussion of research funding bodies' requirements as well as guidelines at TU Wien (open access policy). In addition, TU Wien Bibliothek's services in this area are presented (publication fund, publishers' agreements with open access publishing components, self-archiving in reposiTUm). To make an appointment, please send an email to openaccess@tuwien.ac.at.

  • Publishing with TU Wien Academic Press

On demand | around 1 hour or by arrangement | Language German or English | TU Wien

You are an editor of conference proceedings? You want to publish a final compilation for your doctoral college? Our interactive information event will give you an overview of the portfolio, processes and standards (peer review, tips on good scientific practice, manuscript standards) and the other services of TU Wien Academic Press, such as advice on copyright questions, dissemination of your research results, layout and format templates. To make an appointment, please send an email to academicpress@tuwien.ac.at.