Initial consultation

You are looking for a certain book or want to gather literature on a topic? You have general questions on how to find literature or on using the catalogue?

Our staff at the circulation desk of the Main Library or in the entrance area of the Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering Library will be glad to help you. In term time, our initial consultations staff are available from 09:00 to 19:00 to answer your questions (detailed opening hours of the library).

You can also contact us by telephone or email, or use our contact form.


Specialist advice

You have specific questions about searching the scientific databases, on open access, on academic work and publishing, or on how to make your research known more widely? You are looking for partners for your research topic or are interested in existing networks?

Our liaison librarians will be glad to provide specialist advice by email, telephone, or in a personal discussion. You can ask your question using our contact form or by choosing one of the following persons.

Our team:

Mag. Alexandra Haas

Link to the TISS profile

Alexandra Haas studied history and political science in Innsbruck and completed the university course "Library and Information Studies". As a liaison librarian, she advises on literature research for the subjects taught at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning.

Katharina Heinz, PhD

Link to the TISS profile

Katharina Heinz holds a PhD in Medieval Studies  and has completed the university course "Library and Information Studies". At TU Wien Bibliothek she works at the service group Publication Services, advises on open access publishing, and is your contact for questions regarding open access funding by the FWF.

Dr. David Krassnig

Portrait photograph of David Krassnig with link to his TISS profileil

David Krassnig completed his doctoral studies in linguistics at the University of Konstanz, as well as the additional programme “MA (LIS) Library and Information Science” at Humboldt University of Berlin. At TU Wien Bibliothek, he works in the service group Publication Services, offers consultations on open access publishing, and serves as a point of contact for all enquiries regarding open access funding by the TU Wien publication fund.

Judith Lackner

Link to the TISS profile

Judith Lackner has completed the university course "Library and Information Studies" at the University of Graz. She is the contact person for all questions concerning e-books.

Andreas Pacher, PhD

Portrait photograph of Andreas Pacher with link to his TISS profile

Andreas Pacher studied law and political science in Vienna, Paris and Shanghai. He conducts bibliometric analyses and also offers courses on the basics of scientific work. His topics include bibliometrics, scientometrics, literature research and academic writing.

Dr. techn. Matthias Samonig

Portrait photograph of Matthias Samonig with link to his TISS profile

Matthias Samonig studied energy technology at TU Wien and has been working as a liaison librarian at TU Wien Bibliothek since 2018. He is your contact for all questions regarding scientific citation, avoiding plagiarism, and standards databases.

Dr. Leonhard Suchenwirth

Portrait photograph of Leonhard Suchenwirth with link to his TISS profile

Leonhard Suchenwirth is a geographer with focus on cartography and geoinformation systems and holds a PhD in remote sensing from TU Berlin. At TU Wien Bibliothek he works as a liaison librarian, advises on scientific work, publishing and research data management and educates about Predatory Publishing.

Mag. Heidi Waldner

Portrait photograph of Heidi Waldner with link to her TISS profile

Heidi Waldner studied physics at the University of Vienna and at Freie Universität Berlin and has been working as a liaison librarian at TU Wien Bibliothek since 2018. She is happy to advise you on literature research with CatalogPlus and other search engines.