Sunny4Urban aims to address the challenge of mitigating the effects of climate change by identifying suitable locations for installing photovoltaic (PV) systems in urban areas. The project proposes a holistic approach to this problem by integrating digital 3D city models and 3D solar potential analysis. The research questions that will be addressed in this project are: (1) identifying the optimal location and positioning of PV panels on various surfaces in urban areas, (2) analyzing how solar irradiation will change by 2050 due to climate change and the influence of environmental factors, (3) identifying pain points for interested parties and enabling individual or collective participation in the energy transition, (4) optimizing the integration of solar panels or balcony power plants into planned purchases or existing energy communities, and (5) exploring how the findings and insights from SUNNY4URBAN can be applied in other contexts. The project is expected to have positive impacts in various fields, particularly in the use of digital technologies for renewable energy integration and citizen energy independence, and to support Austria in achieving its climate and energy goals.

We draw upon multiple disciplines, including urban planning, meteorology, and computer science, to develop a comprehensive framework to support medium-term operational activities and long-term planning measures. Our approach involves three key components:

Human-centered design: We place a strong emphasis on understanding the needs and preferences of urban residents, and involving them in the design process. This approach ensures that the resulting framework is tailored to the diverse needs of the local population.

Meteorological analyses & visual analytics: We use advanced meteorological models to accurately evaluate historical and future solar potentials in different regions including environmental factors. The results will be integrated in a Digital Twin of a region or city, providing a 3D interactive environment and supporting planning activities for individual households and energy communities.

Simulation of complex dependencies & interfaces: By interfacing the results and computer simulations, we will research scenario-based models to analyze the dependencies and challenges for the integration of PV systems. We will create a holistic picture, enabling measures and recommendations to be derived regarding their efficient use.

The project „Sunny4Urban - SUstainable & INdependent ENergY for URBan plANning“ is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund as part of the 1st call for proposals of the ‘Digitale Technologien’ program.