Competence Building for the Sustainable Development and Implementation of Digital, Livable Plus-Energy Quarters

EU's Climate and Energy Targets for 2030

The European Union is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030, relative to 1990. This ambitious goal demands innovative energy solutions, particularly integrating buildings into smart networks that optimize the use of volatile renewable energy sources. Companies now more than ever need interdisciplinary skills in planning and operating decentralized district energy systems to meet these challenges.

Developing Plus-Energy Quarters

There is a notable gap in education and training for such critical future-oriented fields. To address this, a consortium is crafting a tailored qualification program aimed at the sustainable development and practical implementation of digital, livable Plus-Energy Quarters (PEQ). This program focuses on harnessing local and regional renewable energy, enhancing energy flexibility, improving digital infrastructure, and promoting high-efficiency buildings and effective sector coupling.

Flexible Training for Sustainable Development

A flexible training concept is being developed to accommodate the varied schedules, existing knowledge, and interests of the professionals involved. This concept utilizes diverse teaching methods and applies learned knowledge through small-group projects that reflect real-life scenarios in Plus-Energy districts. This approach ensures that the new skills are effectively integrated and utilized within the participants' companies through targeted transfer projects.

Goals of the Initiative

The initiative aims to:

  • Equip professionals with the necessary interdisciplinary competencies to develop, implement, and operate innovative, digital Plus-Energy Quarters.
  • Enhance the participating companies' research, development, and innovation capacity.
  • Foster networking and establish lasting cooperation within the consortium, extending beyond the project through joint research activities and the potential deployment of ready-to-use Plus-Energy Quarters.
  • Integrate the program's results into university curricula and develop an academic course at the Technikum Wien Academy, ensuring content availability in a structured educational framework.