
[Translate to English:] Stand-up Paddler auf der Donau
© Robert Romet

We have started a new project. The recent human and climate impacts on the water cycle pose major challenges for the environment, the economy, and…

geophysical measurements in the field
© Thomas Oudega

Last week, the first ever "Testing Methods in Groundwater Engineering" course was concluded. The course included field work in the Hydrological Open…

Paul Blaschke, Dieter Gutknecht, Julia Derx, Günter Blöschl

Congratulations to our steering committee member Julia Derx for successfully defending her thesis "Understanding the impact of global changes and…

Group photos of the participants of the excursion
© Matthias Zessner-Spitzenberg

Some impressions from another great water management excursion with 35 students of environmental engineering.

Dr. Miriam Bertola

The 24th Climate Day (24. Österreichischer Klimatag) at the TU Wien was a big success!