Information on founding associations, service points and funding opportunities for initiatives

Are you a concerned citizen and want to get active and create change? Or have you already got together with other fellow campaigners and are not yet sure how best to organise? Here is a compilation of relevant information that will be helpful for you in this context.

If you have any questions, comments or additions, please contact

Information texts on environmental law

Information texts Environmental law. Quick overview of various areas of law (2021):, opens an external URL in a new window.

Legal advice

Ökobüro, opens an external URL in a new window.
CIPRA Büro, opens an external URL in a new window.

Workshop offers

Bureau for Self-Organisation, opens an external URL in a new window.
Know-how for associations and the non-profit sector, opens an external URL in a new window.

Financing options

Funding for non-profit organisations (overview):, opens an external URL in a new window.
BIV – Grün-Alternativer Verein zur Unterstützung von BürgerInneninitiativen:, opens an external URL in a new window.
Raumpioniere. Crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and crowdengaging for urban projects:, opens an external URL in a new window.

Upper Austria
General Environmental Funding, Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government:, opens an external URL in a new window. [7.6.2021] – Application also possible for associations
Holiday job campaign for associations in the field of environmental and climate protection, Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government:, opens an external URL in a new window

Application to environmental protection awards

ÖGUT Environmental Award, category Participation and Civil Society Engagement:, opens an external URL in a new window.

Guides to the organisation

Aktion 21 (o.J.): Guide for citizens' initiatives. [online], opens an external URL in a new window.

BMK (2021): Recognition as an environmental organisation. [online], opens an external URL in a new window.

Landesbüro anerkannter Naturschutzverbände GbR; Die NaturFreunde Land Brandenburg e.V. (2017): Leitfaden Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung. "A handout for citizens in the state of Brandenburg". Part 2. public relations and political initiatives. [online], opens an external URL in a new window.

Meike Maser-Plag (2020): Moving citizens' initiatives. A guide for practice., opens an external URL in a new window. – only available as preview

Nabis (o.J.): How do you set up a citizens' initiative? [online], opens an external URL in a new window. (2021): Founding of the association., opens an external URL in a new window.

Utopia (2020): Citizens' initiative: definition, goals and how you can get involved. [online], opens an external URL in a new window.

Urban Equipe and Collective Space Station (eds.) (2020): ORGANISE YOURSELVES! Changing the city together. 1st edition. Vienna. [online] organisiert-euch_das-handbuch.pdf, opens an external URL in a new window.

Contact details of the Austrian Environmental Ombudspersons as a contact point for citizens

Central website of the environmental ombudsmen's offices:, opens an external URL in a new window.
Environmental Ombudsman's Offices in Austria, Overview (2019):, opens an external URL in a new window.


State Environmental Advocate DI Dr. Michael Graf
Thomas-Alva-Edison-Straße 2 
TechLab Eisenstadt, Bauteil 1 – Ground floor
7000 Eisenstadt
Phone: 057 / 600 2192
Fax: 057 / 600 72193
Email:, opens an external URL in a new window
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window


Chairperson of the Office of the Nature Conservation Advisory Council/Environmental Advocate: Landesrätin Mag.a Sara Schaar
Flatschacher Straße 70
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Phone: 050 / 536 18012
Fax: 050 / 536-18200
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window

Lower Austria

Regional Environmental Advocate Thomas Hansmann
Wienerstraße 54
3109 St. Pölten
Phone: 02742/9005-12746
Fax: 02742/9005-13540
Email:, opens an external URL in a new window
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window

Upper Austria

National Environmental Advocate DI Dr. Martin Donat
Kärntner Straße 10 -12,
4021 Linz
Phone: 0732 / 7720 13450
Fax: 0732 / 7720 213459
Email:, opens an external URL in a new window
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window


State Environmental Advocate Dr. Wolfgang Wiener
Membergerstraße 42
5020 Salzburg
Phone: 0662 / 629805 0
Fax: 5572 / 629805 20
Email:, opens an external URL in a new window
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window


Regional Environmental Advocate HR MMag.a Ute Pöllinger
Stempfergasse 7
8010 Graz
Phone: 0316 / 877 2965
Fax: 0316 / 877 5947
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window


Provincial Environmental Advocate Johannes Kostenzer
Meranerstraße 5
6020 Innsbruck
Phone: 0512 / 508 3492
Fax: 0512 / 508 743 495
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window


Nature Conservation Advocate DIin Katharina Lins
Jahngasse 9
6850 Dornbirn
Phone: 05572 / 25108
Fax: 05572 / 25108 8
Email:, opens an external URL in a new window
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window


Provincial Environmental Advocate Mag.a Andrea Schnattinger
Muthgasse 62
1190 Wien
Phone: 01 / 37979
Fax: 01 / 37979 99 88989
Web:, opens an external URL in a new window

Recognised environmental organisations pursuant to § 19 para. 7 UVP-G 2000
- Status 26 July 2021

Nature Conservation Association Styria
Address: Herdergasse 3, 8010 Graz
Field of activity: Steiermark, Kärnten, Salzburg, Oberösterreich, Lower Austria, Burgenland Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0008-V/1/2005 from 20.4.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0170-I/1/2019 from 12.11.2019

Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Austria
Address: Museumsplatz 2, 5020 Salzburg
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0029-V/1/2005 from 20.4.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0192-I/1/2019 from 4.12.2019

Austrian Alpine Association
Address: Olympiastraße 37, 6020 Innsbruck
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0019-V/1/2005 from 20.4.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0079-I/1/2019 from 6.6.2019

Nature Conservation Union Burgenland
Address: Joseph-Haydn-Gasse 11, 7000 Eisenstadt
Field of activity: Burgenland, Lower Austria, Styria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0009-V/1/2005 from 20.4.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0197-I/1/2019 from 9.12.2019

Ecobureau - Alliance of the Environmental Movement
Address: Neustiftgasse 36/3a, 1070 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0031-V/1/2005 from 2.5.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0191-I/1/2019 from 4.12.2019

Environmental protection organisation Global 2000
Address: Neustiftgasse 36, 1070 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0035-V/1/2005 from 17.5.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0193-I/1/2019 from 4.12.2019

Environmental association WWF Austria
Address: Ottakringer Straße 114-116, 1160 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0037-V/1/2005 from 23.5.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0187-I/1/2019 from 4.12.2019

Nature Conservation Union Vorarlberg
Address: Schulgasse 7, 6850 Dornbirn Tätigkeitsbereich Vorarlberg, Tirol
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0046-V/1/2005 from 16.6.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0185-I/1/2019 from 4.12.2019

Science & Environment Forum
Address: Palmgasse 3/2, 1150 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0039-V/1/2005 from 20.6.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0152-I/1/2019 from 9.10.2019

Nature Conservation Association Salzburg
Address: Museumsplatz 2, 5020 Salzburg
Field of activity: Styria, Tyrol, Carinthia, Salzburg, Upper Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0024-V/1/2005 from 4.7.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0135-I/1/2019 from 13.9.2019

Vier Pfoten - Foundation for Animal Welfare
Address: Linke Wienzeile 236, 1150 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0051-V/1/2005 from 3.8.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0194-I/1/2019 from 4.12.2019

Greenpeace CEE
Address: Fernkorngasse 10, 1100 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0057-V/1/2005 from 18.8.2005
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0153-I/1/2019 from 4.11.2019

Address: Strozzigasse 10/7-9, 1080 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0090-V/1/2005 from 11.1.2006
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0199-I/1/2019 from 9.12.2019

Working group for the protection of the Koralpe and the West Styrian hill country
Address: Hörmsdorf 200, 8552 Eibiswald
Field of activity: Styria, Carinthia, Burgenland, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Upper Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0083-V/1/2005 from 10.3.2006
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0123-I/1/2019 from 23.8.2019

Nature Conservation Union of Lower Austria
Address: Mariannengasse 32/2/16, 1090 Wien
Field of activity: Lower Austria, Vienna, Burgenland, Styria, Upper Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0097-V/1/2005 from 16.3.2006
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0124-I/1/2019 from 26.8.2019

Transitforum Austria-Tirol, Association for the Protection of the Habitat in the Alpine Region
Address: Josef-Heiß-Straße 74, 6134 Vomp
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0085-V/1/2005 from 16.3.2006
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0182-I/1/2019 from 5.12.2019

CIPRA-International (International Commission for the Protection of the Alps)
Address: Im Bretscha 22, FL-9494 Schaan
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0088-V/1/2005 from 21.3.2006
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0198-I/1/2019 from 9.12.2019

Naturefriends Austria
Address: Viktoriagasse 6, 1150 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0072-V/1/2006 from 27.11.2006
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0178-I/1/2019 from 22.11.2019

Alliance for Nature – Allianz für Natur
Address: Thaliastraße 7, 1160 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0008-V/1/2007 from 2.4.2007
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0179-I/1/2019 from 22.11.2019

BirdLife Austria
Address: Museumsplatz 1/10/8, 1070 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0020-V/1/2007 from 14.6.2007
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0215-I/1/2019 from 20.12.2019

NETT Association - No Ennstal Transit Route
Address: Parkgasse 199a, 8942 Wörschach
Field of activity: Styria, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Burgenland, Carinthia Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0027-V/1/2007 from 10.7.2007
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0207-I/1/2019 from 17.12.2019

German Alpine Association
Address: Von-Kahr-Straße 2-4, D-80997 München
Field of activity: Styria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Carinthia, Tyrol, Vorarlberg
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0006-V/1/2008 from 13.03.2008
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0154-I/1/2019 from 18.10.2019

Association for the Protection of the Recreational Landscape of East Tyrol
Address: Maximilianstraße 5, 9900 Lienz
Field of activity: Tyrol, Carinthia, Salzburg, Vorarlberg
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0032-V/1/2008 from 14.4.2008
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0176-I/1/2019 from 18.11.2019

Nature Conservation Union Upper Austria
Address: Knabenseminarstraße 2, 4040 Linz
Field of activity: Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0121-V/1/2008 from 18.12.2008
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0177-I/1/2019 from 22.11.2019

Cycling Lobby Upper Austria
Address: Waltherstraße 15, 4020 Linz
Field of activity: Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0067-V/1/2009 from 7.10.2009 (Name of the association at the time: Initiative FahrRad Oberösterreich)
Review notice 2020-0.254.209 from 30.4.2020

Austrian Society for Herpetology (ÖGH)
Address: Burgring 7, 1010 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0017-V/1/2011 from 19.4.2011
Review notice 2020-0.489.757 from 17.8.2020

Neumarkt in Styria Citizens' Initiative
Address: Sportstraße 9b, 8820 Neumarkt
Field of activity: Styria, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Carinthia, Salzburg, Upper Austria Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0068-V/1/2011 from 19.12.2011
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0134-I/1/2019 from 16.9.2019

LANIUS – Research Association for Regional Faunistics and Applied Nature Conservation
Address: Schlossgasse 3, 3620 Spitz/Donau
Field of activity: Lower Austria, Burgenland, Upper Austria, Styria, Vienna
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0008-V/1/2012 from 8.2.2012
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0162-I/1/2019 from 5.11.2019

Liechtenstein Society for Environmental Protection (LGU)
Address: Dorfstraße 46, 9491 Ruggell, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Field of activity: Vorarlberg, Tyrol
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0012-V/1/2012 from 9.3.2012
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0173-I/1/2019 from 14.11.2019

Association „worth living Kaunertal“
Address: Vergötschen 68, 6524 Kaunertal Tätigkeitsbereich Tirol, Vorarlberg, Kärnten, Salzburg Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0021-V/1/2012 from 30.3.2012
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0164-I/1/2019 from 5.11.2019

Verein Lebenswertes Traisental
Address: Dingelbergstraße 7, 3150 Wilhelmsburg
Field of activity: Lower Austria, Vienna, Burgenland, Styria, Upper Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0054-V/1/2012 from 13.8.2012
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0214-I/1/2019 from 20.12.2019

WWF St. Gallen, Section of WWF Switzerland
Address: Merkurstraße 2, CH-9001 St. Gallen
Field of activity: Vorarlberg, Tyrol
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0093-V/1/2012 from 14.11.2012
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0039-I/1/2019 from 15.4.2019

Protect Association - Nature, Species and Landscape Conservation
Address: Stadlberg 9, 3973 Karlstift
Field of activity 1: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgenland, Salzburg, Styria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0022-V/1/2013 from 12.6.2013
Field of activity 2: Austria
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0007-I/1/2018 from 2.3.2018 Review notice 2020-0.808.103 from 11.12.2020

Wilhelminenberg Research Association
Address: p.A. Leopold-Werndl-Straße 25/11, 4400 Steyr
Field of activity: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Burgenland, Salzburg, Styria, Vienna
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0049-V/1/2013 from 14.8.2013
Review notice Withdrawal of recognition by decision BMK GZ 2020-0.218.202 from 16.4.2020, not yet legally binding

Salzkammergut Habitat Association
Address: Schwand 7, 5342 Abersee
Field of activity: Salzburg, Upper Austria, Styria, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Carinthia, Tyrol
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0058-V/1/2013 from 13.9.2013
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0059-I/1/2019 from 27.5.2019

Association Project Workshop for Environment and Social Issues (VIRUS)
Address: Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0070-V/1/2013 from 17.12.2013
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0196-I/1/2019 from 9.12.2019

Mattigtal Habitat Association
Address: Sonnenweg 3, 5231 Schalchen
Field of activity: Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria, Salzburg
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0072-V/1/2013 from 17.12.2013
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0122-I/1/2019 from 23.8.2019

VCÖ Association - Mobility with a Future
Address: Bräuhausgasse 7-9, 1050 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0034-V/1/2014 from 9.5.2014
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0078-I/1/2019 from 6.6.2019

Anrainerschutzverband Salzburg Airport - ASA. Association for the protection of the interests of the population affected by the operation of the airport
Address: Kneippstraße 15, 5020 Salzburg
Field of activity: Salzburg, Upper Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Tyrol
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0004-I/1/2015 from 9.2.2015
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0117-I/1/2019 from 12.8.2019

Association Umwelt-Lebenswert Ober-Grafendorf
Address: Gattmannsdorf 28, 3200 Gattmannsdorf
Field of activity: Lower Austria, Vienna, Burgenland, Styria, Upper Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0007-I/1/2015 from 18.2.2015
Review notice 2020-0.051.025 from 3.2.2020

Austrian Board of Trustees for Fisheries and Water Protection
Address: Breitenfurter Straße 333-335, 1230 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0041-I/1/2015 from 15.6.2015
Review notice 2020-0.052.679 from 3.2.2020

Vienna Animal Welfare Association
Address: Triesterstraße 8, 2331 Vösendorf
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0067-I/1/2016 from 1.8.2016
Review notice BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0143-I/1/2019 from 3.10.2019

Coordination Office for Bat Protection and Research in Austria (KFFÖ)
Address: Fritz-Störk-Straße 13, 4060 Leonding
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMLFUW-UW.1.4.2/0130-I/1/2017 from 11.10.2017
Review notice 2020-0.797.428 from 4.12.2020

Alpine Protection Association for Vorarlberg
Address: Am Kehlerpark 1, 6850 Dornbirn
Field of activity: Vorarlberg, Tyrol
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0033-I/1/2018 from 23.4.2018
Review notice 2021-0.431.363 from 22.6.2021

Green Belt Association instead of Westspange
Address: Glinsnerweg 2, 4400 Steyr
Field of activity: Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria, Salzburg
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0051-I/1/2018 from 14.5.2018
Review notice 2021-0.304.686 from 3.5.2021

BIOSA-Biosphäre Austria
Address: Schauflergasse 6/5, 1010 Wien
Field of activity: Austria
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0093-I/1/2018 from 20.7.2018
Review notice 2021-0.517.910 from 26.7.2021

Nature and Environmental Protection Association Sierninghofen-Neuzeug
Address: Jäger v. Waldaustraße 3, 4523 Sierning (Neuzeug)
Field of activity: Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria, Salzburg
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0104-I/1/2018 from 12.9.2018

Pro Natura St. Gallen-Appenzell
Address: Postfach 103, 9014 St. Gallen, Schweiz
Field of activity: Vorarlberg, Tyrol
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0037-I/1/2019 from 15.4.2019

Association the Independent Citizens' List St. Georgen bei Grieskirchen
Address: Stadtplatz 5, 4710 Grieskirchen
Field of activity: Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0102-I/1/2019 from 16.7.2019

Association Pro Thayatal
Address: Mostbach 25, 3820 Mostbach
Field of activity: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria, Burgenland, Vienna
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0108-I/1/2019 from 31.7.2019

Styrian Hunting Protection Association
Address: Tummelplatz 7, 8010 Graz
Field of activity: Styria, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Carinthia, Salzburg, Upper Austria
Notice of recognition BMNT-UW.1.4.2/0158-I/1/2019 from 28.10.2019

Ground Clearance - Association for the Preservation of Open Spaces
Address: Mähdlestraße 29, 6922 Wolfurt
Field of activity: Vorarlberg, Tyrol
Notice of recognition 2020-0.029.623 from 21.1.2020

Friends of the Old Rhine Nature Park
Address: Im Wiesle 12, 6974 Gaißau
Field of activity: Vorarlberg, Tyrol
Notice of recognition 2020-0.181.182 from 19.3.2020

Association BirdLife Carinthia - National Group of BirdLife Austria
Address: Moritschstraße 11, 9500 Villach
Field of activity: Carinthia, Styria, Salzburg and Tyrol
Notice of recognition 2020-0.790.317 from 3.12.2020

Naturefriends Austria Association, Salzburg Regional Organisation
Address: Ignaz-Harrer-Straße 79A, 5020 Salzburg
Field of activity: Salzburg, Upper Austria, Styria, Tyrol, Carinthia
Notice of recognition 2021-0.159.428 from 5.3.2021

Source: Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Department V/11 - Plant-related Environmental Protection, Environmental Assessment and Air Pollution Control, 2021.