Water quality management news

Interview with expert Matthias Zessner
© ÖROK/APA-Fotoservice/Leitner

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now“
This quote from Bob Dylan concludes the story of the academic career of Prof. Matthias…

Prof. Kroiss, Prof. Krampe, Dr. Miklós, Prof. Jardin (from left to right)

The Programme Committee for the 14th IWA Specialized Conference on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants met…

[Translate to English:] number of substances

Shortly after his presentation at the Essener Tagung, Steffen Kittlaus's work was published in an openaccess article.
The paper:

  • describes our…
Steffen Kittlaus

We are very pleased that our colleague Steffen Kittlaus could present and discuss his work today at the 57th edition of the prestigious Essener Tagung…

Head of the Februarseminar Prof. Dr Jörg Krampe

The 2024 edition of the Februarseminar has come to an end. We look back with great satisfaction on a successful event with almost 300 participants and…

[Translate to English:]

It has been an intense day of high-level presentations and discussions at the Februarseminar on Energy in wastewater treatment plants. But it’s not…

Februarseminar 2024 Opening

Here we go! This year's edition of the Februarseminar, organised by ÖWAV - Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband and our team and…

Graphical abstract

Fresh off the press, the outcomes of our investigation into the sources of PFAS in municipal wastewater within the FATERISK Aqua project, funded by Wi…

Group picture Kick-Off PFASAN

A unique mix of expertise came together yesterday to launch the PFASAN project at the Science Centre in Arsenal!
The teams, led by Thomas Reichenauer…