Water quality management news

Schema Biological Methantion an an Anaerobic Biofilm Reactor
© Tauber

Biological methanation of co2 can improve methane and energy content of biogas produced from sewagesludge and biofilm reactors offer a relatively…

Gruppenbild Paparouni und Torrescusa
© iwr

We warmly welcome two master students in chemical engineering who have just started their erasmus+ internship in our lab.
Welcome Chrysanthi Paparouni

Gruppenbild Schaar, Miklas, Krampe
© iwr

We warmly welcome Vaclav Miklas, a PhD candidate from Brno University of Technology as a guest at our institute. He will work together with Liad Weisz…

Zwei Schwäne in der Abenddämmerung an der Donau in Wien
© Volker Preußer

Matthias Zessner, who's leading the Danube River Basin case study in the EU PROMISCES project, comments on Der Standard the already famous map…

Februarseminar Blick in den Hörsaal
© M. Dittrich

Will Austria face an increase in droughts? Which role can and should wastewater reuse play? What are the implications and challenges arising from…

Einschlagen eines Proberohrs auf einem Feld
© A. Eder

The EU project Antiversa, in which we participate with the research of Julia Vierheilig andIrina Dielacher, and which aims to understand how…

Portraits Vierheilig und Zoboli

Upon signing the agreements with the Rector defining their specific tenuretrack objectives, Julia Vierheilig and Ottavia Zoboli have now become…

[Translate to English:] dex summer school Deckblatt

Are you a post-graduate or doctoral student or a young water professional looking for a chance to deepen your knowledge in waterquality management and…

Gruppenbild Studierende Exkurison HKA Wien
© J. Krampe

What a better ending for our course on wastewatertreatment than an excursion to the large plant in Vienna Ebswien Hauptkläranlage Ges.m.b.H? A great…