  • Associate Professor (Research Unit Strength of Materials and Biomechanics )
  • Deputy Head of Research Unit Strength of Materials and Biomechanics
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Stefan Scheiner studied civil engineering at the TU Wien, and graduated with in April 2004. Subsequently, he joined the Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures (IMWS) at the TU Wien, where he worked as project assistant for several years. In January 2009, he earned his doctoral degree in engineering sciences, with his doctoral thesis entitled „Computational Mechanics and Physics Contributions to Corrosion, Geotechnical, Concrete, and Biomedical Engineering: Development and Experimental Validation of Semi-Analytical and Numerical Models“. From September 2009 until August 2011, Stefan Scheiner was a member of the Engineering Computational biology-group at the University of Western Australia. After returning to the TU Wien, he was first employed as university assistent at then IMWS, until he successfully applied for the tenure-track position „Multiscale Modeling of Material Systems“. Stefan Scheiner habilitated in May 2018 - the habilitation thesis was entitled „Multiscale Modeling of Porous Materials: Coupling of Transport, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Biology“ - and he gained the Venia Docendi in the fields Strength of Materials and Biomechanics. He has been appointed Associate Professor in September 2018.

Being the deputy head of the research area „Strength of Materials and Biomechanics“, Stefan Scheiner is involved in diverse (inter- and multidisciplinary) research projects. Currently, his main research interests comprise (but are not limited to):

  • Multiscale modeling of classical engineering materials and biological tissues;
  • Modeling of transport processes in porous media;
  • Prediction of mechanobiological processes in biological materials and structures;
  • Development of computational epidemiological models;
  • Experimental characterization and modeling of rubber in the context of extrusion processes;
  • Structural mechanics investigations;
  • Analysis of data obtained from imaging in biomedical engineering.

Due to his research activities and achievements, Stefan Scheiner is an active member in various scientific societies - for example in the European Society of Biomechanics and its Austrian Chapter, the Engineering Mechanics Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Central European Association of Computational Mechanics, or the European Material Modeling Council. Furthermore, he is and was an active member of several COST-actions (which are dedicated networking activities throughout the European research landscape). Stefan Scheiner is regularly invited as reviewer for international research funding agencies, and reviewer for more than 50 international scientific journals. At the TU Wien, he actively participates in the study commission of the master course Biomedical Engineering, and is a member of the Research Ethics Committee.