Semester: 2017W
Building Type: Industrial Building
BGF: 28.000 m²

Bread Roll Production in Tirol

The BIM_BAKE project focuses on creating an integrated building concept for an architecturally and structurally innovative production facility located in Tyrol. The facility will be used as a bakery and meat processing plant. The building concept includes space for office, production, storage, and logistics areas, as well as the possibility of future industrial expansion with an additional production hall.


Astrid Marihart, Victoria Pichler, Moritz Maier, Mario Scheinecker, Daniel Attila Jung, Younes Saberi, Leonard Donkor, Alexander Behacker, Agata Malgorzata Wycisk, Oksana Ichbiah, Andrea Müller, Sophie Kastner, Farhad Ahi, Andras Mate, Konstantin Khoss, Lukas Winter, Christoph Rössler, Nataliia Golovatiuk, Luka Milic-Toljusic, Theresa Dierneder, Clara Gmeiner, David Nöbauer

Plakat zur LV BIM bake 2017