The Works Council for the Academic and Artistic University Staff is the elected staff representation of all academic staff of the TU Wien, i.e., the following persons: tutors, study assistants, project assistants, assistants, lecturers, professors.

The works council is the legal representation of interests in matters of economic, social, health and cultural interests of the employees.

Function of the Works Council

In this function, the works council exercises the employees' rights of co-determination in the organization of operational processes, working hours, the quality and equipment of workplaces and similar fields directly affecting the employees. In this sense, it represents the interests of the entire staff, but also participates in particular in the representation of any existing interests of individuals against the employer TU Vienna.

The works council is elected every 5 years - the last election took place in 2020 (see result, opens an external URL in a new window), the next election will take place in 2025.

What we can do for you personally

  • Advice on the drafting of employment contracts
  • Advice on the termination of employment contracts
  • Assistance in labor disputes (e.g. with superiors or with colleagues)
  • Advice on issues of protection for employees

What we do in the sense of representing the entire workforce

  • Participation in monitoring compliance with regulations for the protection of service employees,
  • Participation in the termination of employment by dismissal or termination and in the amicable dissolution of employment relationships
  • Participation in decisions of the rectorate (to varying degrees) in personnel matters, mainly within the framework of works agreements, as well as, for example, in the introduction of systems for the computer-aided determination, processing and transmission of personal data of employees.

Legal Basis

These activities of the works council are based primarily on the Labor Constitution Act. Accordingly, the works council is independent and its members are not bound by any instructions in order to maintain their independence.

In the course of performing their duties, the members of the works council obviousy are obliged to maintain privacy and thus to maintain confidentiality vis-à-vis third parties. You can therefore contact any of us - and please get in touch with us as early as possible so that we can support you effectively in your concerns and in safeguarding your interests.