University assistant

Social Inequality | Environmental Inequality | Spatial Analysis | Quantitative Research Methods 

Julia Dorner studied sociology in Salzburg and Vienna (2010-2016, MA). From 2017-2022 she worked as a project assistant in various research projects on urban development, mobility and quality of life at the research department MOVE, TU Wien and the Institute of Sociology, University of Vienna. Since 2022, she has been a university assistant at the Urban and Regional Research Department of the Institute of Spatial Planning at TU Wien. Her current research focuses on the interaction of environmental and social inequality with a focus on spatial and quantitative analyses.

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  • Bachelor thesis seminar
  • Computer-aided data analysis
  • Quantitative analysis methods in spatial research

Publications (selection):

  • Banabak/Dorner (2023): Zur Enteignungsfrage. Linke Hoffnungen in der Debatte über die Vergesellschaftung von Wohnkonzernen. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 36.1
  • Dorner/Verwiebe (2020): Lebensqualität in einer wachsenden Stadt: Stadtentwicklung, Mobilität und Umwelt. Teilbericht an die Stadt Wien. Wien: Universität Wien, Institut für Soziologie.
  • Dorner/Verwiebe (2020): Lebensqualität in einer wachsenden Stadt: Wohnen. Teilbericht an die Stadt Wien. Wien: Universität Wien, Institut für Soziologie

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