
Karlsgasse 13, 1040 Wien, 2nd floor

Opening Hours:

Wednesday: 12-17 pm

Donnerstag: 10 am - 15 pm

Borrowing and returning books during the time between terms is possible by arrangement. 


Since we run a reference library, the loan period for all students is four weeks!

In case of late return, overdue fees will apply.
Basic fee: € 2,00
+ overdraft fee for borrowed works: € 0,20 per day and book

However, all books are directly accessible and everyone is welcome to browse and read in the library during opening hours. The staff of the Research Unit Sociology will be happy to provide information and advice. Nevertheless, we ask you to do a search in the online catalog of the TU Main Library (CatalogPlus), opens an external URL in a new window before visiting the library and to note the category "Description".

For borrowing you need a student card with library label of the TU library!

When borrowing please note the opening hours of the library! It is also possible to return items during the opening hours of the secretary's office.

Copying and scanning facilities (to a limited extent) are available in the Research Unit Sociology.

In our library, there are about 2,500 books and some journals. An overview of the subject areas of our library is given in the library systematics (PDF), opens a file in a new window.


All books and journals can be searched in the online catalogue of the TU Main Library (CatalogPlus), opens an external URL in a new window. There you can find detailed information about the location of books and journals in our library. In order to find the respective book in our library, you have to note the category "Description". The location information is based on our thematically structured library system.


The current journal subscriptions of the Sociology Research Department are:

  • Anschläge
  • Current Sociology
  • Demografische Forschung: Max-Planck-Institut, Vienna Institute of Demography and Wittgenstein Centre for Demography
  • Dérive: Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung
  • International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
  • International Sociology
  • Journal of Planning Education and Research
  • Kurswechsel: Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen
  • New Left Review
  • Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
  • Planning Theory
  • Society and Space
  • Sozialer Fortschritt: Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Sozialpolitik
  • Soziologie: Forum der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
  • Stadtforum: Magazin für urbane Lebenskultur
  • Stadtpunkte: Arbeiterkammer Wien

Journals are for browsing, scanning and copying only. No borrowing! We only have extracts of the journals in stock. If you wish to view an issue, please send us a short message to check whether the desired issue is available.

Other media

  • Werkstattberichte der Stadt Wien
  • Statistische Jahrbücher der Stadt Wien
  • ÖROK Reports and Publications

How do I search for books in CatalogPlus, opens an external URL in a new window?

Whether a journal is available online and/or analogue at TU Wien can be searched in the Electronic Journals Library, opens an external URL in a new window.

If the journal is subscribed and available as an online resource, a specific article can be found via CatalogPlus, opens an external URL in a new window.