
Eva Schmolmüller studied architecture at the University of Arts Linz (2013 - 2020, MArch) and Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (2016 - 2020, BA).
In her Master's and Bachelor's thesis, she worked on the topic of homelessness in the city center of Linz.  She engages in various formats at the intersection of planning and social issues.
From 2021 - 2024 she worked for  Gebietsbetreuung*Stadterneuerung Vienna, mainly in the urban renewal project WieNeu+. From 2022 - 2024, she curated the exhibition “Wie geht´s, Alter?” on the topic of living for the elderly and all generations for the afo architekturforum oberösterreich.

She has been teaching “Inclusive Design” in the BASEhabitat master's program at the University of Art Linz since 2023.

Since May 2024, Eva Schmolmüller is working as a project assistant at the research unit Sociology for the DUT Driving Urban Transition project “InPUT - Engaging Places and Communities for Inclusive Peri-Urban Transitions, opens an external URL in a new window”.