Top-Nachrichten aus den Forschungsbereichen

Photo of Valentin Gebhardt (MA 18) and Georg Wieser (Studio LAUT) during the second MOVE.Walk
© Florian Pühringer (MOVE)

Topic of the second walk: the Supergrätzl in the 10th district!

Announcement WIM: Aurelia Kammerhofer (speaker)
© Women in Mobility

Communication and knowledge transfer is also fundamental in the mobility sector! Our colleague Aurelia Kammerhofer was therefore a part of the network…

News from all fields of activity of the Institute of Spatial Planning

Logo of the SHARED Green Deal Mobility Stream

As part of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 SHARED Green Deal project, TU Wien Research Unit Sociology, together with the partner from MRI & ICLEI are…

We welcome our colleague Tim White! Tim’s research examines urban residential change under financialization. He recently completed his PhD at the…

Jonathan Fetka at "Guten Morgen Österreich"
© ORF2 | "Guten Morgen Österreich"

One of the topics our colleague Jonathan investigates is (urban) logistics. To date, delivery robots have only been used to a limited extent…

[Translate to English:]
© Transformer, TU Wien

Cross-faculty project to establish a place for creative development and learning on the ropics of climate, future and technology

Icon Blackboard with Person

The Research Unit Soil Policy and Land Management offers this summer semester 2024 again some courses for the Bachelor and Master programs Spatial…

The poster shows the teaching of the summer semester 2024. More information in the description text.
© Maria Stepan

We can barely await it! Registration for the 2024 summer semester starts on February 16, 2024. Below you will find a range of exciting courses offered…