Mara Haas

Mara Haas studied spatial and regional planning at TU Wien and the University of Groningen. Her specialist fields include, inter alia, strategic development planning at all levels from urban neighbourhood to metropolitan region, cooperative & dialogue-led planning processes, and drafting of urban design concepts.

Another focus of her work to date has been on placemaking and mobilising civic engagement in the design and programming of public spaces. With Superwien Urbanism, an architecture and urban design practice, she worked on international projects in Uzbekistan, Serbia and Albania, among others. As a founder member of the MetroLab think tank and consultancy she is concerned with co-creative tools and processes for the development of cities and metropolitan regions.

In July 2022 she joined the Innovationswerkstatt, opens an external URL in a new window - Team at future.lab, opens an external URL in a new window, where she takes a closer look at social innovation and transformation processes as a task of sustainable urban development. She will still be supporting the IFOER in various teaching activities.