News from all areas of activity of the Research Unit Land Policy and Land Management

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The Research Unit Soil Policy and Land Management offers this winter semester 2023 again some courses for the Bachelor and Master programs Spatial…

The course series "Das Einfamilienhaus" and "Das Einfamilienhaus weitergedacht" were awarded the 2023 AESOP Excellence in Teaching Prize.

The audience at the 1st Multilocal Symposium
© Christoph Kleinsasser

From May 10 to 12, 2023, the Vienna University of Technology hosted the first Multilocal Symposium at the landuni in Drosendorf. For three days,…

Barbara during the show

Barbara Steinbrunner and Kerstin Schmid were guests on Punkt Eins on Ö1 and talked about multilocality, the landuni and the Multilocal Symposium.