All news at TU Wien

Also this semester, outstanding professors visit the Faculty of Informatics and give lectures on their research fields in computer science.

A bullet fired through a block of wood will slow down. In a similar way, ions are decelerated when they pass through a solid material: the thicker the…

[Translate to English:]

It does not always take a huge accelerator to do particle physics: First results from a low energy, table top alterative takes validity of Newtonian…

[Translate to English:] Neutronen zwischen parallelen Platten geben Aufschluss über mögliche Kräfte im Universum.
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It does not always take a huge accelerator to do particle physics: First results from a low energy, table top alterative takes validity of Newtonian…

[Translate to English:] Schematische Darstellung des Metamaterial Detektors. Durch das Metamaterial wird das einfallende Terahertz-Licht an die Übergänge im Halbleiter gekoppelt und in ein elektrisches Signal umgewandelt.

A new, extremely thin kind of light detectors was created at Vienna University of Technology. Two very different technologies were combined for the…

The exhibition “In Szene setzen – On Stage Vienna 2014!” focuses on the careers of gender sensitive female experts in politics, administration,…