All news at TU Wien

Summer is here… as is the latest TISS news.

As usual, we present the news in the familiar categories.


A projector projection on the conference room stage displays: "PLEA 2017 Edinburgh Welcome."

Delve into the Passive Low Energy Architecture 2017 Edinburgh Conference, a global hub of sustainable architecture discussions with 700 delegates in…

[Translate to English:] Ein Satellit, der Mikrowellen-Daten liefert.
© ESA/ATG medialab

The situation in Kenya is serious – there has been too little rain for more than a year. With the aid of satellite data, TU Wien is measuring moisture…

Neutrons for science and technology
© Atominstitut

This brochure of ENSA, the European Neutron Scattering Association, highlights some typical work from the academic and industrial user communities…