All news at TU Wien

TU Wien wishes you relaxing and happy holidays with this festive "Chemistree", created by the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry.

A remarkable discovery was made at TU Wien recently, when particles known as ‘Weyl fermions’ were discovered in materials with strong interaction…

A wildlife crossing over the upcoming Koralm railway is being built, using a new construction technique developed by TU Wien. Traditional support…

Kryostat am Atominstitut der TU Wien
© Atominstitut

Nichtlineare Effekte in einem gekoppelten System aus Diamant-Defekten und elektromagnetischer Strahlung wurden an der TU Wien untersucht.

Portrait of Professor Andreas Grüneis

What appeared to be incalculable can now be calculated - at least approximately with a computer. ERC grant recipient, Professor Andreas Grüneis, is…