All news at TU Wien

[Translate to English:] In der Vakuumkammer wird ein hochreiner Eiszapfen hergestellt und dann geschmolzen.

What effect does water have on ultra-clean surfaces? Using a novel method, researchers at TU Wien and Cornell University have succeeded in…

Team members from the Vienna University of Technology, the Medical University of Vienna and the Max Planck Institute
© TU Wien I Biophyiscs

The story on the spatial distribution of the T cell receptor gets published in Nature Immunology

 The experimental setup with the mirror used to measure the neutrons
© Atominstitut

A high-precision experiment led by TU Wien has set its sights on pinpointing the so-far hypothetical "symmetron fields" using the PF2 ultra-cold…

[Translate to English:] Der Versuchsaufbau mit dem Neutronenspiegel

A high-precision experiment led by TU Wien has set its sights on pinpointing the so-far hypothetical "symmetron fields" using the PF2 ultra-cold…